Epilogue/Author's Note

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Hi, it's Author-San. Just a quick note, Izuku's the bully in this story! Yay! UA is still UA, and All-Might has retired. As much as I love Kirishima's two moms, for this story we're having a mother and a father. Sorry if this is terrible, it's my first fanfiction. (Although i've read a whole lot of fanfics.. god help me) Anyways, on with the story. 



Kirishimas pov

I slowly blinked open my eyes, awoken by the notification sound on my phone. I'm mildly upset about being woken up an extra hour early, but whatever. I sat up, and grabbed my phone.  "Who would be texting at this hou--...Oh." I looked at my phone and saw who the text was from. Izuku Midoriya, my bully for five years and counting. 

"Sup, f*****, God how haven't your parents disowned you yet? You're such a failure and your quirk sucks you should take a swan dive off the roof and make the world a better place, you're pathetic"

I inhaled deeply. Maybe he's right? No, today I start UA, and I want to make a good impression. I stood, walked out of my room, and instantly smelled the familiar stench of alcohol, and cigarettes. Same smell as it's always been. I went to the bathroom and spiked up my hair, like the weird freak I am. I put on my uniform, shot my dad, (who was lying on the floor) a death glare, before leaving for my first day at UA. 

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