Us and the Music

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hella feels, real cute


The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the whole day had been going by absolutely perfectly. All Lew could do was gaze into eyes of the man across from him who just so happened to be his fiance, Dick Winters.

"The lovely couples have prepared their own vows I was told?" said the ordained lady standing just beside the two of them. "What?" Nix looked at her since his attention was clearly elsewhere. "The vows." She repeated. Lew looked at Dick since he was the one to speak first.

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath then began. "Because of you Lew, I smile more. Because of you I laugh on the outside and I crack a very terribly thought out knock knock joke to my friends and to you. And because of you, Lew, I dare to dream more than I ever have. You opened places to my mind and my heart I never knew existed. I love you more than words can actually describe. I guess proposing was a pretty big gesture, though." the words made Lew chuckle.

He continued, "I don't think I can imagine a world where you aren't by my side. I hope I never have to. I love you." Dick completed his half of the vows and almost lost himself in his fiance's beautiful brown eyes.

"That's um.." Lew murmured.

Dick broke from his gaze and cocked his brow, curious as to what Lew was gonna say.

"That's pretty gay."

Dick didn't see the point in trying to hide his smile on a day like today. "Are those seriously your vows? You really planned that?" He asked.


"Oh my word, you're a dork"

"I'm your dork."

"Yes, you are."

Lew had the biggest grin on his face and looked at the ordained lady before them. "The rings?" she said. Right on cue, Floyd Talbert took off Triggers leash and the dog trotted down the isle.

As soon as Lew looked at Trigger he was confused as well as bursting with joy. He turned to Dick and whispered. "I thought the ring barer was gonna be your niece?" "I can send the dog back?" He looked at Lew then trigger. "No." Lew murmured which made Dick smile.

Dick bent down to trigger and took one ring as Lew took the other. The ordained lady spoke with pleasure. "You may now exchange the rings." They did as told.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and husband. You may kiss."

Lew pulled his now husband in and placed a sweet kiss on the mans lips. Dick doing the same.

The audience cheered and as they took each others hands and walked back down the isle, they passed the men of Easy Company that were invited and their family. All the groomsmen flooded out after the two grooms and soon enough, the whole vicinity was empty.


The hall was bursting with positive energy. The band was playing perfectly, all the seating arrangements were working, and the newly weds couldn't be happier. Even if there was an interference, their mutual feeling would not have broken.

Soon enough the band stopped playing and Lipton spoke into the mic alongside a smiling Harry. "I think it's time for the newly weds to have their first official dance as a married couple." Lip smiled at Dick and Lew.

They rose to their feet and Dick led his husband to centre floor.

Dick placed a loose arm around Lew's waist and took his hand in his. Lew set his hand on Dick's shoulder as his shoulders strained a little.

...I don't want to set the world on fire...

The music began to play and they swayed swiftly along to the rhythm. Dick looked into the eyes of the man before him. "You seem tense?" he murmured. Lew nodded quietly and took a glance around the room. "Everyone's staring.." he whispered almost worried. "Don't look at them. Just focus on us and the music."

Lew rested his ear on his husband's chest, cheek slightly squished, and listened to his calm and steady heartbeat. He rolled his shoulders and relaxed.

For a moment, a sweet, beautiful moment, they were the only people in the world. The only person that mattered to them was one another. They didn't want it any other way. They weren't gonna have it any other way.

"I love you, Lew.."

"I love you too.."

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