From the Beginning

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It had been a normal day in the town of Morioh. A cool breeze blowing through the houses when a couple got a unexpected knock on the door. The woman had gotten up to open the door. There was no one stood there but lay on the door step was a basket with soft cries coming from it. She gasped when she heard and picked it up carrying it inside.
She put on the table in front of her husband as she pulled back the blanket to reveal a small baby crying. They were both shocked at the sight of the baby.
"Holy crap!" The husband said as he stared at the baby. It didn't even look no more than a day old.
"Why would someone leave a baby on our front door?" The wife asked as she picked the baby up comforting it.
"I don't know... it's strange I not long since mentioned about us struggling for a child to a few co-workers, what a strange twist of fate.." He pulled out a note from the basket, he started to read it as his wife finally got the baby to stop crying.
"It says his name is Daisuke." He said to her. She smiled at bit as she took a look at the calm baby.
He was strange to say the least. Small tuff of black and blonde hair on his head going along with his mismatched blue and black eyes.
"Whoever gave him up wanted us to raise him." The husband said as the wife got excited.
"Really?? We can finally be a family!" She giggles as she hugged the baby.
"Looks like it. Well Daisuke Moriai welcome to the family!" He said with a smile as he hugged them both.

Years passed feeling so fast to the couple as they watched Daisuke grow still not knowing where he came from or qho his parents really were. They would get questioned many times as they both had brown hair while their son kept the mix of black and blonde.
But they always made him feel like part of the family. Daisuke was their son and that is all that mattered to them.

He developed into a shy boy that didn't like to hang around with anyone. Instead he would sit alone a cling to a strange pink cat plushie he carried with him everywhere he goes. This trait stayed with him even into his teen years until one day.

Daisuke was out in the front garden minding his own business when two people approached him. He recognised one of them as a high schooler. He was surprised by how close the girl had gotten to him before he stood up and he shyly looked at them.
"Daisuke Moriai?" She asked him with a huge creepy grin on her face as she spoke. Daisuke didn't like this as he just answered.
"Yes that is me.." He was worried he was about to be beaten up by the girl and the kid. She just laughed a bit.
"Well today is your lucky day because I will free you from this fake life you have."
"Excuse me? What do you mean?" He was in shock. He didn't know what was going on at all he stood there confused by this whole situation.
"Have you ever heard of the story of Yoshikage Kira?" She asked with a small smile hoping to hear a yes.
"I had heard stories about a man that killed people for hands I think that was his name." Daisuke answered just the way the girl wanted. She smirked being full of glee at it.
"Well would it be a shock to you if I said you was related to that man?" She cheered a little feeling satisfied with finally saying it.
Daisuke backed away a little, he didn't want to believe it.
"N-no.. you're lying..." Daisuke was scared by them as the girl pulled a bow and arrow from her back and shot him through the neck with it.
Daisuke fell as he coughed up blood his eyes being pure white. He wiggled around as the girl smirked more. Daisuke held on he was strong for a timid boy.
"Well for appearing to be such a wimp you survivied the arrow. Must be that Kira blood in your veins fighting to keep ahold of this world." She spoke as she pulled the arrow out with it a purpls aura coming from the teen that formed into a strange figure. It stared at the girl with his cat like eye. Daisuke got up and looked at the new figure.
"What the fuck is that???" Daisuke was freaking at the situation.
"That is what we call a stand." The girled summoned her own. Daisuke just tried to run when he felt something stab into the back of his neck causing him to fall. He couldn't move
"Get the fuck off me!!" He yelled as he tried to fight it. The boy went to him.
"Sorry but I had to use my stand to stop you from running away you know." The girl grabbed Daisuke carrying him bridle style.
"Put me down! I need more answered! Why you kidnapping me? Why do you think im Related to Yoshikage Kira? Why the fuck did you shoot me with a arrow? And who are you two?" The girl just huffed as they carried him away.

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