Second Meeting (Part 1)

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Anakin Skywalker:

4 years later

You wandered around the republic cruiser, currently orbiting a planet that, as far as you knew wasn't occupied by the Separatists or the Republic. Plo Koon had left with the Wolfpack to go scout the planet out, while leaving you orders to stay aboard the ship in case they need back up if something goes wrong. Though nothing will go wrong, for you had one of the best Jedi masters and the best clone legion by your side!

Also, you weren't alone on the cruiser. In addition to you and Plo Koon, there was Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker accompanying you. It has been nearly four years since you last seen them, given that the two were always away on missions elsewhere in the galaxy. It made you wonder if Anakin was still the same as he had been since he was a padawan.

As you made your way towards the bridge, a man walked right by you. His jedi robes were in shades of dark brown and black, and he had scruffish brown hair. He suddenly stopped walking and turned around to look at you, his blue eyes blinking several times. "(Y/n)?" He asked, a note of surprise in his voice. You turned to look back at him. He had a scar on his left eye. Though there was no mistaking that same boyish wonder look on his face.

"....Anakin Skywalker?!" You said once you finally recognized him, a bright grin forming on your (s/c) face. Anakin gave you a slightly cocky smile as he folded his arms across his chest. It was at that moment you noticed that his left hand was robotic. So it was true. He did get his hand cut off. "The one and only." He said pridefully which annoyed the force out of you. He always did that when you two were still learning in the Jedi Temple.

"Ugh. I thought they said you were serious. Though it appears you are still the same old Skyguy." You said, using the nickname that Ahsoka gave to him on the planet Christophsis. Anakin raised his eyebrows at you surprised at your choice of words. With a soft sigh, you smiled up at the Jedi Knight.
"Nice to see you again after nearly four years of no contact." You said as you ran your hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair. Maybe he did get more mature, and he was just bantering with you. Yeah, maybe that was it. Besides, Anakin was known as The Man without Fear.

"Same with you, Fang." He said as he bared his teeth at you. Okay. Now that really annoyed you. In retailation, you shoved him though it had little effect on him. "Don't call me Fang." You said through clenched teeth. Though Anakin gave no sign that he heard you. He reached over, ruffling up your hair.

"You're wanted on the bridge. I'll see you later maybe." He said as he continued walking down the corridor, leaving you stand there looking like a deer caught in headlights.

What the kriff just happened?

Obi Wan Kenobi

Like you expected, the meeting ended with a rather tense agreement. It was mostly due to your father's pressuring for you to say something that would place your family in the Republic's good graces, though in the end the tension ended up boiling over and you yelled at him. In response, your father slapped you. Your mother threw her drink in his face and escorted you out of the room before it got any worse.

Solas stood by your balcony as you leaned against the marble railing, looking at the sky with a distant expression on your face. The right side of your face was killing you from where your father had struck you. Though you guessed if you haven't yelled then maybe it wouldn't have happened....maybe.

"Senator?" A voice asked, and you turned to face the person who had spoken. It was Obi Wan. After an approving glance to Solas, he walked over to you. A look of concern on his face. You tried to ignore the stinging on your face, which seemed to have gotten worse. "Are you alright?" He asked as he stood beside you on the balcony.

You looked down from the railing, unsure if you should answer. To be honest, you weren't. It's been this way ever since you were a child. At first your parents treated you like a kid, giving you attention, caring for you. Almost every childhood memory was happy, where your father would smile at you. But now that you were older, your parents treated you just like everyone else. Except that your mother was still parentlike. Your father on the other saw how the pressure of nobility was taking a massive toll on him. He would come home irritated, if not furious. Every little thing would set him off.

Finally, after a while of silence you sighed softly. "Not really. Though I'll be fine. Father never means to strike me...." You said, looking up at Obi Wan with your (e/c) eyes. You could tell that Obi Wan wasn't all that convinced, since he continued to stare at you for a few minutes more. He stood up a bit straighter, his arms folded across his chest in a way that meant he was about to get serious. 

"Senator, forgive me for saying so...but I feel that what has conspired in the conference room isn't normal." He said a little hesitantly. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but...your father shouldn't be doing what he's doing. You're the Senator, so it should be your decision on how to handle political affairs." The Jedi continued, in a more gentle tone. 

Solas watched you and Obi Wan interact for a moment, before he turned and walked back inside. The worst part of this interaction between the Master Jedi was that he was right. Your parents shouldn't have any say in your meetings with the republic or other planets, for you were the only one to make the decisions. Solas was only there to help you if you couldn't decide on what course of action you should take. 

"What do you recommend that I do, then?" You finally asked as you moved away from the balcony. Obi Wan watched you with interest. If you had surprised him, there was no way to tell right away. 

"Let's take a walk, Senator." 

Commander Cody


Waxer fell into the ocean on his back, making a giant crater in the water where he had landed. You had kicked his legs out from under him in retaliation after he had thrown you into the ocean when you were talking to Cody. Waxer got back onto his feet, coughing a bit violently after the salt water got into his nose and mouth. He looked up at you. 

"That was a cheap shot, commander!" He said while you smirked at him. From the corner of your eye, you saw Cody watching you from his place underneath a tree. Boil was swimming under the water, so you had no idea where he was currently located within the ocean. Crys was standing by, ready to pull someone out of the ocean in case of injury. 

"I'd say it was a fair shot, Waxer. You continued to carry me into the water, when I specifically said not to. And then you go and drop me in the water." You pointed out, fighting the mad desire to laugh. Waxer stared at you in disbelief, though he shook his head, chuckling softly. 

"And just what's so funny?" You asked. Unbeknownst to you, Cody was starting to walk towards you, being all stealthy so that way he could sneak up onto you. Lucky for him the sound of the incoming waves were loud so he didn't have to worry about you hearing him approaching. 

"Oh nothing. Just a word of caution, commander..." Waxer said, a slight mischievous smile forming on his face, which immediately put you on edge. "Don't look behind you." He finally said before he started venturing further into the water to search for Boil. 

 Say what? You thought until you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and hoist you into the air. Instinctively, you started thrashing around, screaming bloody murder. Your captive laughed softly, and you looked down only to see Cody standing there, holding you above the water. 

"We should really stop meeting with a small scare." He said as he gently placed you back down on your feet. You stared at him for a moment before he gently force shoved him into the water and started walking back to land. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2024 ⏰

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