Before Meeting Willy Wonka

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    You are sixteen and live alone in an old house on the outskirts of town. Taking as many jobs as possible led to you working three jobs a day. You work as a bagger in the grocery store in the morning, a library assistant at noon, and help out in the candy shop when you can.

One day you were coming home and saw a small boy on the curb beside the library shivering. "Oh my gosh!" You called quickly making your way to the child. You take off your jacket and wrap it around the shivering kid. "Honey what are you doing here? Where are your parents?" You ask rubbing his arms trying to warm him up.

He starts crying. "T-they left me.. I-i was costing t-to much money.. Th-they told me to s-stay here.." He sniffles out and you see his lips are blue from the cold.

"Its okay. Do you wanna come with me? When was the last time you ate?" You ask buttoning up your coat around the boy.

He shakes his head yes. "L-last night.." He says putting his arms through the arm holes. You nod your head and pick up the small boy, craddling him in your arms and briskly walk to your house.

Once inside you set the boy down beside the fire place and start a fire. Once its started you run to your couch and grab the large blanket and place it on the child. He curls up and closes his eyes.

You decide to make dinner for you and the little boy. Although you don't have a lot of food you manage to make a decent meal. Vegtable soup, sour dough bread, and scrambled eggs. Yes it doesnt exactly go together, but food is food.

You make a plate and bowl for you and the child who's still curled up by the fire place. Gently you set down the food in front of him and pet his head. He opens his eyes and gingerly takes the food. You sit in front of him and begin to eat as well.

As you were finishing you realize you don't know anything about the small boy in front if you. "Whats your name sweetheart?" You ask looking at him gently.

He looks at you awkwardly smiling. "Charlie.." He says in that sweet little voice.

"Its nice to meet you Charlie. I'm (Y/n)." You smile.

Time skip

Its been six years since you've taken Charlie in. Making him eleven and you twenty- two. Of course Charlie had only you to look after him and he saw you as a mother, leading him to call you mom. Even though you could hear people gossip about your age and how you are unfit to parent because of that, hearing Charlie call you mom was one of the best things that's ever happened to you.

"Mom! Look! Look! Look!" Charlie ran into the house waving a newspaper around.

You laugh because when you tried to read it he kept moving it around in anticipation. "I could if you hold it still Charlie." You laugh again.

His face grows red as he realizes he hasn't stoped moving. "Sorry.. Willy Wonka made an anouncement!" He says excitedly.

You read the section of paper titled "Wonka's Wonderful Treat" (lol. Sorry I'm not good with play on words.)

"There are five golden tickets in Willy Wonka's candy. And the finders of these tickets will get to tour around his factory. All will be sent home with all the candy they could want, but one lucky finder will get a special surprise." You finish reading aloud. "I wonder who the winners will be." You wonder aloud.

"I don't know. I wonder what his factory looks like. Or what he looks like for that matter." Charlie states his thoughts aloud as well.

You can't help but to smile watching your boy day dream. "Charlie.." You start, and he snaps back into reality.

"Yes, Mom?" He asks you.

"Its your birthday soon. What would you think if we got you your present early?" You smirk looking back at the paper.

"R-really?!" He asks, blinding you with his joy.

You laugh and grab your wallet to make sure you have enough money. You do, so you turn to the hopeful boy. "Come on then. Lets go get you your present."

You walk to the candy store you occasionally work at.

"Hey Sal." You greet your boss.

"Hey (Y/n), Charlie. How have you two been?" He greets back.

"Good, and you?" You make conversation as Charlie looks around.

"Life's as sweet as my candy." He jokes. You roll your eyes while smiling. "So what's the occasion?" He asks.

"Its Charlies birthday in a few days, so I thought with the news paper article why not just come in today?" You answered as Charlie runs up with a candy bar in hand.

"Well seeing its such a special occasion.. Why don't you pick out two candy bars on the house?" He smiles at Charlie.

"Oh no. Sal, I appreciate it but-" you get cut off.

"Please? You're my best worker, and you don't even work here often. Let me get my favorite kid a present." Sal says practically begging.

You sigh and shake your head. "Go get another candy honey." You tell Charlie. Then turn to Sal, "He'll get two candy bars, BUT I'm buying one of them." You say in your stern motherly tone. He laughs and puts his hands up in surrender.

After you bought the candy, well one if the candies, you headed home.

"Mom? Do you think I have a chance at finding the golden ticket?" Charlie asks looking down at the candy bars.

"Of course Charlie. Everyone has a chance, as long as you stay positive." (Lol. Cringy sorry.)

He nods his head as you enter the house. You made dinner and ate watching the TV. You see two winners have already found the golden tickets.

Augustus Gloop and Veruca Salt are the first to find the tickets.

Once you finished and did the dishes you and Charlie sit on the couch so he can open the candy.

"Charlie, remember there are a lot of candies out there but only three more tickets. Please don't be disappointed if you don't get it." You say gently handing him the bars.

He nods. "I know Mom. Ill still have the candy." He smiles.

He nervously begins to open the candy. He stops, "Mom? Will you open the other one with me?" You nod at his request.

Taking the candy and a deep breath you both close your eyes and tear off the wrappers. When you open your eyes you see no sign of gold anywhere.

"Oh well... Lets eat!" Charlie says. You agree knowing he won't eat it unless you do to.

You wake up the next morning and see that two more tickets have been found. Violet Beauregarde and Mike Teavee. Charlie seems upset but understanding and happy for the other kids.

You and Charlie are walking home when he stops suddenly and picks up a piece of paper off the ground. Its some money.

You just so happen to be in front of the candy shop when you push Charlie inside he gets the hint and runs to get a candy bar.

"Hey (Y/n)." Paul says smirking at you.

"Hey Paul." You greet quickly looking away from him.

"So how have you been? Needing any company?" He says leaning over the counter to you. You shift away from the dude coming onto you.

"No. I have Charlie." You say just before he runs up to you.

Paul takes the candy and checks out Charlie.

"Bye Paul." You say quickly as you leave with your boy.

You get home quickly and Charlie asks if he can open the candy. You laugh and tell him that it's his candy bar.

He opens it normally and stops dead in his tracks behind you. "Charlie?" You ask turning around and see he has the golden ticket.

1352 words

Willy Wonka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now