Boat Rides and Holding Hands

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Why do you guys like this story? Let me know if this came out alright and if I made any mistakes. Enjoy?

Willy Wonka led us to the edge of the candy room and a boat with a seahorses head on the front and back filled with Oompa Loompas rowing it appeared.

When they arrived they all laughed. "What's so funny?" Violet asked smacking her gum.

"I think it's all those gosh darn coco beans." Wonka responds before continuing, "Did you know that chocolate triggers the release of endorfense, that gives one the feeling of being in love." He says as his eyes keep meeting yours as he looked around the group.

"You don't say?" Mr. Salt asked 'seductively' looking at you. You cringed back holding Charlie tighter.

"All aboard." Wonka almost growled out, glaring at Mr. Salt.

Everyone boarded quickly. Charlie was in between you and Wonka in the back.

"Here. Have some of this, please?" Wonka requested holding a ladal of chocolate out to Charlie.

He took it and drank a little before handing it to you. "It's great!" He praised.

You carefully took a sip of the treat. "It is great.." You said shyly looking at Willy.

"Chocolate triggers the release of endorfense, that gives one the feeling of being in love."

He smirked at you knowing what you were thinking. You blushed and looked around trying to avoid his eyes.

The boat entered the dark tunnel and the ride got more intense causing you to grab Charlie to make sure the small boy doesn't somehow fall off. Wonka gave a small chuckle cause you ended up also grabbing a handful of his coat. He gently grabbed your hand with his, and held it behind Charlie.

"He's safe. So are you." He comforted. You nodded, and slowly let go of Charlie but still held the chocolaters hand.

Charlie felt something behind him and nonchalantly checked to see if his suspension was correct. It was. His mom, and his hero, are holding hands, just behind him. He smiled brightly at the thought of his mom being with his hero. But... That would make Willy Wonka HIS DAD!! His mind started trailing and he thought of having a father. Maybe even younger syblings...

"Everyone pay attention. We are passing important rooms." Wonka called as you passed some valt looking doors with labels.

"Charlie? You alright?" You asked quietly.

He quickly nodded his head, almost giving himself whiplash as he did so. He looked up and saw a cow being whipped. "Whipped cream." Charlie said looking to, who he wished would become his father, Wonka for conformation.

Willy nodded his head in satisfaction. "Precisely." He almost praised your son.

"That doesn't make any sense." Veruca said annoyed.

"For your information, whipped cream, isn't really whipped cream, unless its been whipped, with whips. Everybody knows that." He said faking politeness.

"I didn't. But now I do.. Learn something new everyday I sopose.." You said trying to ease the young girl from throwing a possible fit and appease Willy to ease up on the others.

Wonka smiled endearingly at you, "You're right." He gently squeezed your hand that was still holding his from behind your son.

"Yeah I guess." Veruca huffed turing back around. Mr. Salt stared at you while reagusting his pants on the crotch part. Making you grip tightly on Wonka's hand in discomfort.

He sent a menacing glare to Mr. Salt causing him to turn around and fake interest in the rooms.

"What do you use hair cream for?" Mrs. Beauregarde asked turning to Wonka.

"To lock in moisture." He replied while bobbing his hair in his hand.

She looked at him disgusted and turned back around.

While everyone was looking at different rooms you gently released your hand from his, he looked almost hurt but kept his head straight forward. You raised your hand and touched his hair. He smiled at you and took your hand back in his. "You can feel it later." He whispered.

Charlie heard and looked at him with wide eyes and saw your hand next to his hair and sighed in relief. You and Willy looked at eachother and blushed bright red, knowing what he was thinking. You let go of his hand tucked some hair behind your ear.

Wonka cleared his throat. "Stop the boat. I wanna show you something." He smiled.

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