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She had always been fascinated and comforted with the ambience of the night. She always felt like she was connected with the night sky. Because at night, once the ocean drowns the sun, she got to see home scattered all over the horizon.

At night, the moon, along with the stars, told her all the secrets of the universe. They made her feel accompanied anywhere she escaped to at night. They made her feel like she belonged, not here on Earth, but far out of this world where they tarry. They were always up there, staying distant from the rest of this world. Hidden. Afraid to reveal the truth once again. Overlooking the magnificent yet dire planet which served as a beacon to lure the rest of the universe into their dooms, they could only do nothing but to patiently wait and hope for the return of their denizens.

For her return.

Another wonderful thing about the night is that it was so much easier for her to hide out in the dark or blend in with the shadows when someone ever catches her being free to be herself. Being who she really is. You see, her kind were not allowed to show their real identities because it might cause the definite extinction of their species.

Earthians or Human Beings as they call themselves were the masterminds of their extinction. The identity they had branded on extraterrestials like her were unfair and untruthful. They had created a negative reputation upon unearthly beings, making them look like monsters that human beings should fear for and resent when in fact, the real monsters were among them.

Outsiders like her begun permanently residing on Earth since the middle of the year 1946, the beginning of the Space age. However, centuries ago, way back before men begun exploring the worlds outside their own and wanting more than what they already know, her ancestors were merely just visitors on Earth: helping humans build their empires and edifices; providing them everything they needed to strengthen their kingdoms. When all their work on Earth were done, they never stopped lending hands to the humans. They just couldn't get enough of this enigmatic planet which bears so much wonder. Although they had no more than any intention but to protect it from the dark auras of the universe, humans begun to scrutinize them. Soon they begun to envy their extraterrestrial capabilities. They became aggressive and demanding. They wanted to be more powerful than her kind. And so, her ancestors decided to abruptly stop interacting with humans when the last blood of Pharaohs withered back to the ground - when the second millennium begun to arise. But some of her ancestors didn't stop coming. Feeling betrayed and disrespected, they kept coming back to Earth to recover all the aides that the humans didn't deserve. But some species' intention was not only to take back what they made but also to seek revenge to those who were at fault against their kind.

Herein, it is revealed that extraterrestrials were once considered as friends to Earthians, but all of that changed in the year 1950. Species from outer space started vanishing. Many of those who came to visit Earth never came back to their planets again. And then, more and more men returned their visits. Humans had constructed ships that could take them outside Earth, and bring destructions to other worlds. They started building devices that drove the extraterrestrials away from their own planets, then one by one, all of them became extinct. Some of the distant planets survived the war between men and extraterrestrials and some of them managed to hide on Earth too. Some including her great-grandparents.

Many years had passed and now the new generation of men were ignorant about their history. Many people who didn't witness the past didn't believe in their existence and those who were knowledgeable about their existence try to hide them from the clueless.

Zandria was born in the 21st century, a time when extraterrestrials were almost nonexistent in the eyes of humans who once were their allies in creating their empires. The moment they found a way to go undercover, her ancestors decided to keep their true identities unknown by humans forever for their safety and survival.
But being born and raised in the 21st century as an alien here on Earth was difficult. Difficult was even an understatement. With all the new and high technologies that surrounded them in this second millennium, she knew they were not safe anymore. She believed they needed to go home.

She had to search for the hidden planet, a world they could call their own. And, if the universe allows it to transpire... they will be home.

These chapters will explain their truth to you. 

Through her story, you will be diving deeper in history to really know the truth.

Their truth.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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