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Willow's P.O.V

We walked out the door and went to Charlotte's; my favourite cafe. Neither of us spoke for the whole walk there, all I could hear  was the sound of my keys clanging against each other in my hand, and our footsteps. two girls walked past staring at us both, the first girl said, "Wow that couple is so beautiful wtf"

I glanced at Elijah and saw that he was slightly blushing, causing me to giggle. He giggled a little as well.

We arrived at Charlotte's:

 We sat at the table on the 2nd level that overlooked the beach

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We sat at the table on the 2nd level that overlooked the beach. A waiter came towards us and asked us what we wanted,

"Can we get two Chai lattes with almond milk and a chocolate brownie" I told him as he nodded and walked away.

Elijah stared out the balcony at the beach then said,

"It's so pretty where we live. I'm so thankful for it all, and having you as my best friend really makes everything better" He turns back to me.

"Aww that's so sweet, I love having you as my best friend too" i hug him and he hugs me back.

As we waited for our orders to come, I laid on his shoulder as he played with my hair. We really do act like a couple, but it's just because we're so close and we've been best friends ever since. I understand why everyone thinks we're dating. This is honestly better than dating, we don't have to worry about anything that normal couples have to.

Our chai lattes arrived and we blew into them, slowly sipping because they burnt our tongues. We talked and ate for another 2 hours and then I walked up to the counter to pay with a lot of "No Willow, I'm paying" From Elijah. We walked to the Centre of town, I fast walked into My favourite shop and I looked through all the racks and finally picked a yellow sundress,

 We walked to the Centre of town, I fast walked into My favourite shop and I looked through all the racks and finally picked a yellow sundress,

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I tried it on and showed Elijah who was sitting on the seat outside the waiting room,

"I like it, it's cute" he said, looking down my body

"Okay, I'll get it" I blushed.

We walked to the counter and I reached for my card but Elijah stopped me,

"I'll buy it for you, You always buy stuff for me" He said, holding my hand down and swiping his card.

The cash register smiled in awe probably thinking we're a cute couple,

"Thanks Jah" I smiled and we left. We walked towards the bathroom by the beach and changed into our swimmers. As I walked out, Elijah was waiting there scrolling through Instagram. He noticed me, smiled, and put his phone in his pocket as we got up to walk towards the beach. We dropped our bags, and immediately looked at each other in the eye, Thinking the same thing;

"Race you there"

I ran into the water with Elijah trailing behind and I dived into a wave. As I swam to the surface for air, Elijah Splashed me with water and whined,

"Damn-it you won!" he picked me up and threw me into the air so high that it actually hurt when I landed back into the water, we both laughed.

We went back to shore and dried ourselves. We laid out in the sun for a little and then left.

"Bye Elijah, see you tomorrow" We had planned to meet up the next day.

"Bye Bye Willy see ya later!" I hit him in the back of the head playfully and we both chuckled and parted ways.

As I was walking home, My Mum rang my phone and so I answered;

Mum: Hi darling, can you come back home? I have terrible news and it would be unfair to tell you over the phone. I can book you plane ticket for tomorrow?

My whole family lives in Melbourne, Which is twelve hours away.

Willow: Yeah ok, I'll start packing. How long will I be over?

Mum: I think for a while, We need family time.

Willow: Ok, see you soon. Whatever the news is, everything will be alright mum. I love you

Mum: I love you too, See you soon baby. Bye

Phone call ended

For the whole walk home I felt like crying. I had a feeling I knew what the news might be. I texted Elijah;

Willow: Hi Jah, I can't come tomorrow, Something bad happened back home and i'm catching a plane there tomorrow.

Elijah: That's okay, Are you good?

Willow: idk i guess, I'm just worried

Elijah: Everything will be ok Willow, just don't stress.

Willow: I'll try. Also, I think I'll be gone for a while, like a month or something

Elijah: oh no, it must be real big news. I'll miss you

Willow: I'll miss you too. I'll call you when i know the plane times ok?

Ethan: Ok, see you soon bye <3 take care

Willow: byeee

I arrived back home and slumped onto the couch, just staring at the ceiling fan swirling around. I started to get dizzy so I went into my room to pack for the plane trip tomorrow. I really hope the news is not what I think it is.

Author's note
𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗈 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗌𝗈 𝖿𝖺𝗋, 𝖬𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖺𝖾𝗅 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝖾 𝗂𝗇𝗏𝗈𝗅𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝖵𝖤𝖱𝖸 𝗌𝗈𝗈𝗇. And every comment and vote makes me so happy, thank you to all the angels that do❤️

𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗 ~ a Michael Jackson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now