i love you - {steve}

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you got all your pillows and blankets from your room and ran downstairs into your empty house to join your boyfriend of six months, steve, on a movie date in your living room.

"so y/n, what are we watching?" steve wasn't very fond of romantic movies ever since he started hanging out with tommy h. so you decided to bring out the old horror movies

"the shining" you said with a grin. "sweet." he replied.

you thought it wasn't very scary, but it gave you an excuse to snuggle up to him, he wasn't very big on cuddling either. he acted real tough, but you knew he's a big softie.

you suddenly started dozing off during the middle of the movie so you got up to refill the popcorn and get a glass of water.

"y/n! you're missing it!" he yelled but you didn't pay attention. you say back down with the popcorn in one hand and your water in the other.

towards the end of the movie, you told steve you wanted to go to sleep. "but y/n!!! it's getting good." he had pulled the puppy eyes to you couldn't resist, so you sat back down and he flashed that famous smirk of his and threw his arm over your shoulder.

the movie finally ended, thank god. steve help you carry your bedding up the stairs and into your room, then plopped right on the edge of your bed.

"you know, y/l/n, you're real cute when you're tired." he said and winked

"yeah? well you're adorable when you're an idiot, harrington."

"oh you're gonna get it y/n!!" he threw you on your bed and started to kiss you on your neck multiple times, and not gone lie, it was hot but i tickled

"OKAY OKAY HARRINGTON I SURRENDER!" you say as you throw your hands up and laugh. "good." he startes kissing you but it wasn't like before, it was long and passionate

"i love you" he says taking a break for the kiss, you never thought steve harrington, the biggest heartthrob in high school, would love you.

"wh-what? you love me?" "uh huh" "shoot harrington i love you too."

billy hargrove & steve harrington imagines and preferences Where stories live. Discover now