The elevator.

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The bomb.
The bomb the bomb the bomb.
Thats all Batman could think about.
Well untill he saw Jokers green curls falling in his face as he frantically tried to get them away.
Then, for a minute,
It was just,
Joker...Joker Joker Joker....
But the bomb.
'People to save' He thought as he tackled Joker to the ground and threw the remote thing for the bomb to Gordon. He quickly started trying to disable it a visible sigh off relief when he managed the task.
Joker fumed for a second before running towards the elevator and quickly pressing the down button.
Batman raced after and got in just as the elevator closed. About half way down the two men still fighting, the elavator...stopped.
"Wait wait wait stop stop stop.."
The green haired spoke.
"The elevator is stuck. Damn this old machine..." He continued.
"How are we gonna get out? Theres no windows, everything around us is steal and metal..." The man in black started. "Stupid place reminds me of Arkham. Not going to lie, I think that place made me closterphobic." The colored rambled.
"You; The 'Prince of crime..'; The 'Insane pychopathic murder!', Scared of small spaces? Wouldn't of guessed that one..." The other said, his voice trailing off into the abyss in the end.
"Well," Joker said sitting down, "I guess call maintenance. I'll just sit here."

He hit the 'call' button on his cell. "Hello. I have Joker and me in an elevator and its stuck. Any chance you could uh, get us out?" The standing asked. "We can be there by 10 am tommorow."
His face dropped.
8 hours with the man next to him was far to long.
"Alr-Alright." He said clearing his voice at the end.
Joker looked at the ground.
Batman studied his movements.
He looked....
Pretty, even.
His conscious mind interrupted these thoughts. These words didn't match his usal persona.
"Your acting out of charector. Im curious as to why." He said, more of a statement than an opportunity to answer.
"Just tired. Haven't sleept in 2 weeks straight." The other responded.
"I haven't sleept in 1." The dark knight carried the conversation on.
"Guess we have something in common then. Heh." He gave a weak laugh at the end wich suprised Batman. Has anybody else saw him this, human like?
He sat down next to the pale and almost in an instant Joker rested his head on his shoulder.
They sat like that for a few minutes, not saying anything. Just listening to the sound of eachothers heart beats and shallow breathes.
Joker laid his head on the others lap but the darker laid down as well pulling the green haired up to his chest and wrapping his arms around him.
"Honestly didn't expect this."
Batman spoke again.
"Me neather..." Joker said sleeply before passing out in his arms, cuddling against his chest.
The darker held him a little tighter as if afraid if he lets go he'll have to face the consequences he new where definitely coming later on. He, too, fell asleep.

The next morning they found the two snuggled together when they brought the elevator down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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