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Okay okay, so I'm assuming you wondering what the hell this story is even about and what's the point and blah blah blah. How boring the introduction is before the good stuff starts happening right? Well every good story has a boring ass start, but where to start? You got me. I guess let's start with the present?
Currently I'm 17, not really doing anything with my life, back where I started really.🤷🏻‍♀️
Back at nothing. No job, so no money. No steady home, not in school or any classes. I'm in a rough spot not gonna lie, I owe some money.
It hasn't always been so low, I was working, had a good job, finished the same program not once but twice. Signed up for classes, even did my drivers ED. I was supporting myself and did what I had to, and guess what? Within two months, it was all gone. A new company was taking over, Reason why I haven't been working. Not doing any classes. Why I'm so low. My mental health isn't exactly at its best. I know I'm not all here, I don't always think properly. So when I'm not busy daaaaammmmmnnnn do I get low. Since the program been on a pause, I kinda ran into a wrong path. I'm not proud of it, but the last two months I got into a meth addiction. It didn't last long. Almost two months. But I been in recovery I think it's either 3-4 weeks clean? By now the new company should of taken over. I'm tired of not doing anything with my life. I'm tired of relying on people because truth is you can't relay on anyone. Not even family.
Least not anymore. Remember? There was a time when blood is blood and they got your back? The support? The love? Everything's so broken now.
I been also in process of Becoming emancipated. The papers just came in today. Now all needs left is a court date. With the rate of everything it's going to be a min. I thought I would fail. I feel guilty because my mom she says she understands she gets it, but honestly this was the hardest thing to do. She thinks it's so I can do whatever I want and not have to be with her as if I'm abondoning then. Truth is this is hard. Life is hard, but in the end you got to do the right thing, and what's best for your family. This event wasn't to free myself from them. To help.
Our family if you think of it we are the lowest class you can ever think of. We're poorer then poor. We live just as if we are homeless the only difference is, we have is the roof over our head. Thank God. If I was my own person I can do allot of things for me, and my mom and little brother. Right now we're all in debt. Me, my ma, my brother. We live in this one bedroom apartment. Only 300$ but you get what you pay for. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Losing the EBT cars put us in debt by a couple months. We had to buy food, couldn't pay rent. If you think about it, it's one less mouth to feed, my brother J he's in his teen years, he's going through some shit, needs a parents attention. When I first started to became a teen, shit was crazy, I was realizing things I never realized, questions I often wonder, but no parent to be there and guid me.
And with that being said I think him being with mom by herself is better, he opens up more one on one. They need to grow s bond it'll be nice for him.
I'm behind on shots, dentist, my health, moms working all the time, she has no ID no proof of anything it's a lot of stress off of her. My cousin she did the same process I'm doing right now, mom thinks she abonded her after raising her, which is kinda what she did but imagine? 3 kids?!
Well that's the intro. It's not about so much, but damn let me tell you. One adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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