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Howdy everyon I forgot to mention that their will be suicidal stuff going on so if you like that then stick around and if
not leave and never return!!

Im just kiding but their will be suicidal stuff and blood so enjoy!

" dad please give me a chance i'll prove to you that I can be a legendary hero just like you!"

Mao mao said to his father with determin look

"your no legendary heroe and You'll never be one"

Mao mao's father said as Mao mao just stood their shock at his fathers words as his father just walks away to
To the shadows

mao mao kneeld down as his face look down at the floor

"oh look everyone its strash mao haha!"
"hahahah looser!!"

The voices said as mao mao coverd his ears as tears forming in his eyes


Mao mao stuterd as the voices keep talking

"awww is little mao mao gona cry like a little baby hhahahaha!!

"ju-st..stop plea-"

Mao mao said but whas cutt off he look up and saw one of his sisters looking down at him with disappointment in her eyes..

"just look at your self, crying showing weakness, your a disgrace to our family.."

She said as Mao mao look down at the ground as his body started to shaking


As his sister pulld out her katana Mao mao eyes widen in fear


Mao mao pleaded as his sisters just chuckled

"sister?, ha! your no sibling of mine!"

She said as she swang her katana


Mao mao scream as he shot awake sweting like crazy and tears in his eyes

Mao mao's bed room dore open wide as adorabat and badgerclops look at mao mao with a worried look

"Mao mao is everything alright dude?!"

Badgerclops said as adorabat hugs mao mao as mao mao pushes away her

"Im fine"

Mao mao said as he wipes away his tears

"Wait are you crying!?"

Badgerclops said as adorabat sat next to mao mao

"Its none of your business now get out of my room"

Mao mao said as he lay back down on his bed as adorabat and Badgerops look at mao mao with a worried look as they got out of mao maos room and close the dore

-(you can skip this part if you want)-

A couple of hourse past as mao mao got up from his bed and walk up to his drawers and pulld out a razore

He looke at his arm and saw some old cut marks that wear started to heal wile others are still new..

He grab the razore and start to make dipper cut marks in his arm he hiss but countinue to do it anway

blood droops from his arm as he put his razore away and walk slowly towards his bathroom inside his room and washes the blood from his arm and furr away

He look at the mirror and saw himslef

"just look at yourself..pathetic, weak a disgrace.."

Mao mao said to himself as he grab a towel and dride his hands he got outside of the bathroom and change to his regular cloughs and walk toward the kitchen

-----(you good?)-----

Mao mao walk toward the kitchen and saw Badgerclops eating a cookies
Badgerclops notice mao mao

"oh hey dude your up"

Badgerclops said

"what time is it?"

Mao mao as he took a sit across badgerclops, badgerclops look at his watch

"iiittss, 7:11 a.m"

Badgerclops said as mao mao just nodes and staird at the table as he hides his arms with his cape

"hey dude you ok?"

Bandgerclops said as mao mao just shrugs in respond, few second of silance

Mao mao stand up from his seat

"I'll be patrolling the valley"

Mao mao said as he walks away

"oh u-um ok becarefull!"

Badgerclop said as mao mao leave the house

"*sigh*..why cant you tell us whats rong.."


Welp hope you enjoy yes i knkw its cringe and I might delite this like my other books lol but i hope you enjoy tho!

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