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At the tech conference, you held tight to your press pass, excitedly reading the words over and over. Kunhang had gotten you the pass so you could access more than the average person attending. It was something you'd been dreaming of, it felt like a real start to your career.

"What are you grinning about?" Kunhang asked with disdain as he looked back at you, setting up a few things at the lab's assigned table.

"You're going to think it's dumb," you sighed, letting go of the pass to let it hang from your neck.

"Probably," he agreed. "But try me."

"The press pass," you admitted as you picked it back up again to look at in wonder.


With a resigned sigh, you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him, "You think it's dumb."

"A little," Kunhang had a small smile on his face when he glanced over at you, and for once you're pretty sure it's not one of spite.

"I knew it."

He gestured for you to stand up, "Anyway, c'mere."

You hesitantly did so, approaching the table as he brought out what you were most excited for. His origami robot that he'd spent the greater part of your time together perfecting. Last you'd seen, it would still rip up any paper given to it. As he brought out the remote control, you saw another figure approaching the table, and gave a small greeting to Cai Lanying.

"Hi, Lanying."

"Hello, Y/N," she replied.

You'd gotten familiar enough with her in the time you'd spend at the lab that she called you by your first name, and sometimes the two of you would eat lunch on her break while Kunhang was absorbed in his work.

As she brought her own displays out, you refocused your attention back on Kunhang and his robot. He pressed the 'on' button, the familiar purple LEDs blinking in wait. Next, he set a green piece of origami paper in front of it, as you'd seen him do many times.

"Frog," he ordered clearly, and the robot whirred to life.

It delicately picked up the paper and started folding. You watched with bated breath. Normally by now, it would have been completely torn to shreds, but it kept diligently folding. Finally, it was a little origami frog.

"Ori! Oh my god, I'm so proud of you," you squealed, picking up the tiny frog in wonderment as you complimented the robot.

"Ori?" Kunhang questioned you, seeming rather confused.

"You don't have a name for it. So I've kind of been calling it Ori in my head."

You fully expected him to make fun of you, to tell you how stupid it was to name a robot. Instead, when you looked over at him, you could've sworn he had a smile that bordered on fond as he hurriedly diverted his eyes from you back to the robot, "Oh, I see. That's... cute."

"Are you okay?" You asked with teasing concern, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead mockingly.

He swatted it away, but not before you could feel that his skin was in fact warm. Was he... blushing?

"Who are you and what have you done to my Kunhang?"

"You're fucking weird," he rolled his eyes at your dramatics.

A relieved grin comes to your face at the annoyed comment, the familiarity of it bringing an unfamiliar flip-flop of your stomach, "Oh thank god, you're an insufferable bastard again."

sleepless cinderella ☆ w.kh | ✔Where stories live. Discover now