Meeting The Alien

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It was a lazy afternoon before school was back in session. My parents were out, but seeing I was a "responsible adult" now their supervision was no longer required. I mostly just showed up at their house to binge watch television shows with their Netflix and eat their food. I had my own apartment, but since my roomate was off in Flordia with her aunt and wouldn't be back untill the term started, I decided I'd only go to the apartment when absolutely nessicary-which amounted to never.

I'm streched out over the couch, flipping aimless throughout the endless list of shows. Nothing was catching my eye, as usual. I guess I'll just put on an episode I've already seen before and just use it as background noise for my thoughts. I click on Doctor Who, back to the David Tennet days, and play the Pompeii episode. Mostly because I missed Donna and her sass, but also becasue of Capaldi's apperance. The episode starts to buffer and I shift my position to sit more comfortably.


My peacful afternoon is shattered by a knock at the door. I glance at the clock then stand up uneasily. It was past seven, and no one ever comes by after seven. I shuffle over to the door and push my glasses up my nose. Another knock causes me to increase my pace to the door.

"Who is it?" I shout at the heavy set door. Silence.

"Hello? Anybody out there?" I ask as I attempt to look through the peep hole. My height betrays me, so I press my ear to the door to try to hear through it instead. I hear a familiar whirring and jerk my head away in time for the door's locks to click.

I step back frantically as the heavy door swings open casually. A man no older than thirty is standing there in a military green trench coat with the biggest smile I've ever seen under a thin beard. His emerald colored eyes dance with glee as his steps into my house. He waves an older modeled sonic screwdriver in greeting.

"Yes, hello. You may know me as the Doctor. I bet you've even seen that show based on me, haven't you? Ah, yes well they've gotten quite a lot right. Though, I don't remember being such a dodgy person. Then again, I'm technically not a person- though you know that too. Let's see, I believe that you've seen me up to my twelth regeneration. Am I correct?" The man who claims to be the fictional charcter called the Doctor turns to me, expecting me to know what to say. I proccess the words and nod slowly, unsure of what else to do.

"Good, that's a good start," he walks away and into the living room.

'Hey!" I call out to him," What are you doing! You just broke into my house!" He stops and spins on his heels.

"I did knock," he retorts. I go to argue with him, but he whips the sonic screwdriver back out and points it at my head. I flich as he presses the button and the yellow light flickers on before faultering.

"Blast!" he exclaims as he pulls it back to himself and whacks it, "Of course I get the bloody old model. At least it sort of works." He continues to whack it until the yellow light steadly pulses. He holds the button down and proceeds to scan me with the blinding yellow light.

The sonic clicks and he pulls it mack into his line of vision. Turning it sideways he begins to read," Human. Age, nineteen. Female. Height, five five. Weight-"

"Don't you dare," I interjet. He looks up and coughs.

"Er right, Occupation, student. IQ 135, very nice. Okay, so it would seem I'm in need of a companion for a short trip to the Treabula Nebula. I would appreciate it if you accompanied me."

I, this entire time, am frozen in place. My thoughts are racing and I'm not sure whether to freak out and dash or sit down and let him continue explaining.

"You...want me to be your companion? But you shouldn't exist! Doctor Who is just a television show!" I exclaim. He grins and runs a hand through his shaggy sand colored hair.

"Think of it as a biography then," he looks around the room and his eyes land on the television.

"Ah, I do remember that trip. Absolutly aweful," he says with a somber expression.

"So, if you're really the Doctor- then there's actually aliens and space travel and such?" I ask clarifying.

He looks back at me and flashes a smile," You catch on quickly, that's good. People in the Treabula Nebula are quick talkers."

I slowly started to process just what was happening. I just got offered to space travel. With the Doctor. Oh my goodness, I'm about to faint.

"Okay, you want me to travel to the...Treabula Nebula with you. I guess then I'll go and get dressed properly." With that I turn around and run off to change into a more companion ready outfit.


I knew it was bigger on the inside. Just how big, however, was never a thought. I marveled at the flashing lights and circle disk things on the walls. The Doctor was running around like mad, pressing buttons, flipping switchs and yelling at my to turn 'that nob by that switch over, to your right, exactly twenty five degrees left.'

Needless to say, when the TARDIS actually started moving I was relieved. The engine's brakes whirred constantly as we tumbled through what I presumed to be time and space. I was grinning like crazy and laughed when the ship came to an abrupt stop.

The Doctor jumped up and glided over to the door, trenchcoat swaying behind him.

"You ready to see another world?" he asks, his hands on the door handle to create suspense.

Feeling butterflies of excitment swirling in my stomach, I nod quickly. He flashes a lop sidded grin and flings open the doors to the TARDIS. My jaw drops at the reality in front of me. I was in another world. And I was with the Doctor. The Doctor. I quickly compose myself and dash out the door to catch up with the Doctor, who had struted out the door as soon as he'd opened it.

(A/N Yo-Yos Booklets! I don't know what I'm doing. I'm dreadfully bored and I'm procrastinating the next chapter for Mirronia ;-;....I'll update this sometime this week possibly, maybe...I have no idea)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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