Chapter 2
"Uhm, I'm sorry I've got to go find my friend." He's really Michael Jackson? I don't want to be part of his "charity" or whatever this is.
His face falls. " Oh okay..well can I get your name?" He asks shyly.
"It's Anna." I reply shortly. I feel bad but everyone loves him and he expects that. I don't want to be another one of his crazed fans.
"Anna, that's a pretty name. I'm M-"
"Michael Jackson. I know." I say cutting him off. I give him a small smile.
"Really I've got to go though."
"Are you coming to the concert? If not I can give you a couple of free tickets?" he asks a little startled by my tone.
"No thanks. My friend asked me to go with her. She got tickets today. But thanks anyways. " I say pulling away from our conversation and waving bye to him before turning around. He stands there stunned holding the jewelry. I feel heartless, but all he probably cares about is himself.
I rush to find Kendall and when I do she's talking to two guys by the check out.
I walk up to them and they all look at me, Kendall smiles.
"Guys, this is Anna. Anna this is John and Bryan. I invited them to come with us tonight to the concert." She says gesturing to the two guys. They are pretty cute. John has blond hair green eyes and a sort of cute baby face. While Bryan has dark hair and dark blue eyes. He looks at me and smiles.
I smile back. "Nice to meet you both." I say.
Bryan looks me up and down and winks. I look down at my feet and feel my cheeks get all hot.
"Alright, so ya'll are going to pick us up at my apartment at eight?" Ken asks in conformation.
"Yeah we will be there." John answers. All the while, Bryan doesn't take his eyes off of me making me blush a deeper red. How embarrassing.
"Okay sounds good. We will see you then!" we smile at both of them then Kendall grabs my arm pulling me to the front of the mall. When we are out of hearing distance she squeals.
"Oh my gosh! Those guys were so adorable! Did you see how that dark one was staring at you?! Bryan was it? Ahh! Tonight will be so much fun I can't wait!" I smile as she gushes on and on. But I can't stop my mind from wondering back to Michael Jackson. I could tell her but she probably wouldn't believe me. It doesn't matter anyways.
We get into ken's car and drive off towards her off campus apartment. I stare out the window as she continues on about how much fun tonight will be, giving her "yeah I know!" and "mhm"'s at the correct moments. She doesn't seem to notice.
We pull up to her apartment and I hop out grabbing my dress bag and shoe box. Shoot! I forgot to get earrings or a necklace! oh well Kendall probably has something I can wear.
"I've got to show you what I got!" Ken says while turning the key in the lock. We walk in and sit our stuff on the couch. She turns to me holding a bag from the jewelry department.
Ken pulls out royal blue dangly earrings and waves them a little.
"Wow those are pretty!" I nod with a smile.
Then she pulls out a gold necklace that will match my dress and says "you don't have to wear this. I just thought you might want it. "
"Ken you're a lifesaver! I totally forgot to get anything! Thank you!" She laughs.
"See, best friend telepathy. " I join in on her laughter.
"Anna! What color lipstick should I go with? I don't want it to be too much but I want it to make a statement!" Kendall calls from the other bathroom.
" about this color?" she pops her head out of the bathroom and I toss her a gold-pink lipstick. She catches it.
"Oooo girl!" she sings. I laugh and roll my eyes.
I turn back to the mirror and play with my natural curly hair, trying to shape it just right. Sometimes I can't do anything with this hair! I stop and focus on my face.
I'm mixed so I have light chocolate skin. I play it up with some red lipstick. Then I frame my blue eyes with a little bit of mascara. Then I skip to the living room to grab my dress and shoes and head back into the bathroom.
I shut the door and take the dress out of the bag admiring it for a minute. I carefully slip it over my head and arrange it on my body. The heals are still in to box so I take those out too and slip them on.
I turn to the door without looking at myself because I'm never happy with what I see, and open it. Ken walks out at the same time I do.
"Wow Anna you look stunning!"
I look her over. Her blonde hair hangs down in loose curls and her blue eyes really pop out.
"So do you! Can you zip me up?" I ask walking to her and Turing around. I feel her pull up on the zipper. Then the door bell rings. We both look at it and she squeals.
Chapter 2! Leave comments and tell me what you think so far!
Love- Michelle😘

Love lives on (a Michael Jackson story)
FanfictionAnna is an ordinary girl going to an ordinary college. She has a lot of friends and people really like her. Of course she has her enemies.... Michael Jackson seems to be all the rage, but in Anna's case, she doesn't get the point. Will meeting the r...