Chapter 7

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It took a while, but eventually I ran into Nathan.

It was early on a Sunday morning. The most amazing smell of freshly made pancakes wafted up to me. I tried going back to sleep, but with every minute the smell lured me awake.

Groggily I stumbled downstairs. I couldn't remember the last Em's mom had made us pancakes, but I remember them always being good.

It wasn't her mom.

It was her brother. He stood behind the stove humming wearing little more than his boxers and a tee-shirt humming to himself.







God, I could just look at him for hours. A tiny spec of drool crept out from the corner of my mouth, it may not have been from the delicious smell.

"Hi," I tried to draw the single syllable out as slowly and sexily as I could.

"Hi," he smiled at me, and went back to his cooking.

I couldn't believe it. I don't think he had ever looked at me that way before. He just seemed so genuinely happy. "What'cha doing?"

"Making breakfast for my gran," this time he didn't look up.

"Oh," I hoped up onto the counter, I may have "Accidentally" flashed him a bit of leg, that he didn't see, he just continued to hum. "Can I have one?" i asked indicating to the pancakes.

"Um, sure," he mumbled.

I made a show of rolling the pancake up and putting the phallic shaped object in my mouth. (Just a heads up, these are English style pancakes, not American). I knew he had seen me by the look that flashed across his face. I couldn't quite read.

"Mmmm" I moaned out, "It's soo good."

"Thank you," he smiled to himself.

I waited a moment, I'm not sure what for, I just knew I was waiting. Oh that's right, I was waiting for my courage to kick me in the ass and get on with asking him to go with me to prom.

I pictured what it would be like showing up to prom with someone like Nathan. All eyes would be on us. Back at school the girls and I would often talk about how hot Em's brother was behind her back. They would all be so jealous when we stepped out of the limo together. I'd be in my sexy red dress, and Nathan would be in a gorgeous suit, showing that godly butt off to perfection. They would all go green with envy, but that wasn't all. That night, we would dance together.

He would wrap those gorgeous long hands around my waist, and pull me in close to him. I'd rest my head against his strong chest, and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders as we swayed in time to the music.

It would all just be so perfect, the music, the lights, us, that he would lean down to me and kiss me. That would be a moment that would go down in history as one of the greatest kisses of all time. My fairytale prince finally giving me my true loves first kiss.

I just knew he would taste amazing, sweet and cinnamony, just like the pancake he had just made.

Later that night, we would go back to my place, and we would kiss again, and again and again. Our kisses would grow more and more passionate, and next thing we would know, is our clothes would be scattered around my room and we would be entangled in a lovers embrace.

All I had to do was ask him.

"So, um Nathan," I tried to hold myself together, "I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Yes?" He gave me a quizzical look.

"Will you be my date to prom?" I blushed the darkest shade of crimson imagionable.

"Um," he looked startled as he scrunched up that nose fit for a Roman god, "I'm um quite busy this year," he stammered, "I don't think I'll really be able to."


"It's just one night..." I tried not to whine, but it was clear in my voice.

"I-um," he stammered, "I'm too boring, I'm sure you'll have much more fun with someone else."

My heart was crushed, but I had to hold my head up high.

It wasn't me, and it wasn't him. I had put him on the spot like that, and that wasn't fair. I should have known he wouldn't go. Hell, the boy hadn't even gone to his own prom, not wanting to go to mine was nothing personal. I would just have to find someone else... unless, unless there was a way I could be sure he would have to go with me. If he was my boyfriend already, he would have to go with me!

I just had to find a way to get him to be mine without the use of a sexy red dress.

I had just the plan...


Hey guys, thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry this chapter is out a bit late, but I hope you enjoyed.

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