Chapter 1

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"Aylin Adams, the Omega girl with a Beta Father and a Hunter Mother. Huh. I guess my Father was that stupid enough to put such a clever girl as an Omega." He said, smiling. 

When I turned 16, everyone was surprised when me, Aylin Adams, was given the rank of an Omega. The lowest in the pack. I can still remember. I was hoping something went wrong. Maybe obnoxious, lazy Nova was supposed to be the Omega instead? Maybe I was supposed to be the warrior instead? My ears twitched as I heard my pack whisper among themselves. 

"But her Father is the Beta! This can't be possible! She's the best fighter in the group of apprentices this month!"

"To be honest, I'm not surprised. The Alpha won't ever let anyone outside the pack see that...ugly scar of hers." 

"The Alpha is doing her a favor. Too bad she gets the worst kills, but at least she'll won't have to face humiliation!"

"It's just a scar, seriously. Enemies will think that she has been in a battle, and it looks like a battle scar. The Alpha should be proud." 

When the meeting concluded, I had sat down in the den. "Mom...What did I ever do to the Alpha? Why do I have this scar?!" I had screamed. "Darling, it's special. The Alpha just has a bit of problem with appearances. He thinks that the scar is a disgrace, most of the pack does. But a few think it's a blessing. A sign that the greatest warriors of the wolves have blessed you." My mother had soothed me.

"Mom! Can you help me with this injury? A thorn got stuck in my paw earlier." I said, wincing in pain. As one of the Omegas, I just took care of the pups and the elders. But there are sharp thorns that some people leave outside my den as a prank. It's horrible. "Shift into your human form, Aylin. It's easier for me to take it out that way." Mother smiled, reassuring me. I focused on myself, waiting as I grew taller, as I stood on my two feet. My brown hair shone against the bright sun. Mother always said I had fierce golden eyes, although I don't believe her. 

I winced, gritting my teeth while my mother pulled the bloody thorn out of my hands, also known as my paws. "It's not that bad, so this thorn won't infect you like the other ones." Mother chuckled. "Lucky me, then." I murmur under my breath. 

"Aylin! Get out of there. Elara and Blake need you to take care of their pups while they need to go back to their duties!" Father growled loudly from the entrance suddenly. I nodded, and quickly shifted back to my human form. Pups get their forms when they are apprentices, so they do not recognize wolves when they are humans and therefore, it is not allowed to appear in front of them in our other form. 

Jasmine and Liam are the youngest pups in the nursery. They're twins, although the pack calls Liam the older one since he had appeared earlier than Jasmine had. The other Omega, the male one, is Noah, my best friend. Even though Omegas are in charge of the pups AND the elderly, Noah insists he takes care of the old ones. Somehow, that's his specialty. 

"Aylin! Guess what? The Alpha promised me that I'll be a great Beta when I grow up!" Liam squealed as I walked into the den. "Yeah right! More like I'll be Beta! You can't even catch a flying leaf properly." Jasmine joked. Liam glared at her, then glared at her some more.

I grinned as I rearranged the den since the pups made it really messy. "Aylin, can you play catch-the-leaf with us? It's really fun!" Jasmine pleaded. I nodded. Catch-The-Leaf was a simple game every wolf played when they were a pup. One wolf would shake a bush over a tall rock, and the other one who try to catch the leaves. Whoever caught the most would win the game, and the prize if there was one. 

"How about whoever wins gets this special red leaf?" I suggested, pointing my paw towards a red leaf on the ground. Jasmine and Liam nodded and growled playfully. I could see that Jasmine and Liam would be great warriors. Their position was almost as perfect as the apprentices' ones, and their claws were sharp, even when they were still really young.

I held the bush tightly and shook it. Green leaves came flying out of it. When I was a pup, I was really amused with them, although I would always win because I had strong paws, and was even praised by certain apprentices when I showed them my hunting position. "One...Three...Ten...Fifteen!" Jasmine gleefully said. "One...Eight...Nineteen...Twenty-Three! Ha! I win!" Liam said, giving a small victory howl.

Soon, night fell upon us, and all of us were called back to our dens. But while everyone was sleeping, I have a perfect plan. I would escape the pack, and retreat to the humans. I'll pretend I lost my parents in a robbery, and I was the only one that survived. It was a perfect way to get me out of this place where I wasn't appreciated, even though everyone knew that if I was a warrior instead, we would've been the best pack instead of being in second place. "I guess the Alpha made a really big mistake."

At the first owl call, I shifted to my human form behind a nearby sequoia tree, but I stopped abruptly in my tracks when I heard a "meow"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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