Chapter 17

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All there was, was pain...

Opening her (E/c) orbs they scanned the dark room around her landing on the many cross beams holding her down as ash and smoke filled the atmosphere around her and the fire devoured the pizzeria.

In front of her, just out of reach, was a blood covered axe. It's edge glinging with a soft orange glow from the flames and a bit of (E/c) from her (E/c) eyes as they dimly glowed in the room.

Her right arm was out in front of her while her left was pinned to her body under the weight of the rubble.

What had happened?

Where was William?

Her eyes widened slightly as she noticed Spring Bonnie's suit stained with crimson liquid along with some flesh and purple between the opened joints. 

He was in Spring Bonnie!

Gritting her teeth she tried reaching the axe her fingers tips just barely touching the handle, but not enough to get it back towards her. 

Huffing in frustration she froze as a large 'crack' sounded from above her.

Looking up she noticed the ceiling caving in and soon everything went black as the pain numbed away and everything just... stopped.


Grasping the axe between her gloved hands, (Y/n) got up from her place behind the desk her (E/c) orbs glinting with a hint of anger, revenge and.. fear.

This was her killer. Their  killer 

This man ruined everything for her and her friends. Ruined their lives and now he's standing there... grinning.

Gripping the axe handle she watched the purple man before her as he armed himself with his knife, still stained with some blood from both humans and animatronic. 

"Well William... it's just you and me."


His grin turned into a sour expression as he lunged towards (Y/n) his empty white eyes turning black with a white pupil as his 'other' side came out and took charge in trying to disarm and if possible deatroy (Y/n)

As the knife dug itself into her shoulder the axe made contact with his side leaving a deep gash and letting crimson liquid stain his purple uniform and the tile floor.

Grunting he held his wound and removed his hand looking at the red liquid on his hand before looking back up at the ballerina before him. A black-blue liquid running doqn her arm and freshly made wound, but she didn't seem fazed by the injury. Quite the opposite actually...

...she was pissed.

Taking a few steps forward and dragging the now blood stained axe behind her, (Y/n)'s eyes darkened and a sick twisted grin spread across her face.

Grunting William backed away and ran out the room as the ballerina giggled humming 'Pop goes the weasal' as she followed him at walking pace.

Rounding the sharp turns around each corner he made it to the main room where a few tables were pushed against the  entrance and blocking the pizzeria's. Prize Corner seemed like a good place to get an advantage over (Y/n).

Jumping over the counter he found a spare emergency axe against the wall near the shelves and broke the glass grabbing the axe and holding it close as he watched the entrance where he had just come through. 

While watching it a flash of gold was noticed inside the Fredbear location. 

Spring Bonnie

Grinning he snuck out his hiding place over to the golden rabbit and landed a hard blow against the rabbit's head before opening the suit and removing the endoskeleton. 

If things got worse he'd have a way to at least try and 'save' himself.

Just as he had gotten his lighter out a sharp pain made itself present in his left arm as (Y/n)'s axe went through the flesh and made contact with the bone. Looking over his shoulder his white pupils came into contact and stared at (Y/n)'s (E/c) ones.

Yanking the axe out his arm a small grunt escaped William and more blood dripped onto the tile floor.

His vision was getting blurry and he was feeling a bit sick from the pain and blood loss. Opening the lighter the small orange flame danced around and a weak grin spread across his cheeks as (Y/n)'s eyes widened.

Flicking the lighter into a pool of gasoline the fire instantly spread and made it's way through the building.

From there the smoke filled the atmosphere and the building began falling apart.

Getting into the Spring Bonnie suit, William's vision faded as his life slipped away from him and everything went black as the smoke also filled his lungs along with some smoke. 

The last thing he saw was (Y/n) getting pinned down by a part of the ceiling and trying to reach her axe.

It was all over...

Or was it?

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