Chapter 1

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Scenes of abuse and homophobia.

*Dan's pov*:

[Flashback] My father is stood over my bed, tears stinging the back of my eyes as I don't dare show any emotion. My nuckles are white as they clench the slightly off white sheets. My mind is blank as the man before me screams abuse into each ear, my head rattling. Large beads of sweat form on my forehead as I quietly repeat the words, "I'm sorry," as I knew what was coming. My father leaned in closer, so close I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked up my almost limp body, easily prying my swollen fists from the bedsheets. My feet lifted from the ground as the front of the T-shirt strangled me, the back still being effortlessly held with one hand. My back, shoved voilently against the wall.
He was looking me dead in the eye, still screaming at me. I look away, seeing my father's clenched fist slowly rise. I know what's coming so I pull my eyelids tightly shut, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

My breathing stops. Partly because my windpipe was closed off by my t-shirt and partly because I knew that he was going to hit me. "Are you even listening, daniel?" I hear him scream. I open my eyes, not to see my father in front of me but a girl.

She looked annoyed with me. "I said that I slept with Josh!" I was confused. The train screeched to a stop, snapping me into consciousness. "Oh.. right yes.. cool, I mean it's not cool, but yeah I understand" I stumble over my words, she stared at me. "That means we're breaking up, Daniel" she stared at me. In all honestly I didn't really care, all Alice had ever done was use me,  i don't really understand why I stuck with her. Not really sure what to say, I nodded my head and grabbed my bag. "Cya around ,Alice" I said hauling the heavy backpack over my shoulder. I didn't look at her again but I knew she probably looked like some had shot her.

I wiped my tears that were still present from my little er 'episode'. I smiled to the ticket lady as I stepped out of the train, the smile was utterly empty. I was slightly glad that i didn't have to deal with Alice's whining anymore. Though i started to worry that the rumors would start again. I  kick myself, I am 17 and still worried about the fact that people think I'm gay? How pathetic.

I close my eyes for a second before I walk to work. I popped my key in the locked door, the words "GameStop" laugh at me as I turn the handle, my hands white with cold. I was the first person in today, I frown. I remember signing up to the job assuming that my time here would be half decent because I enjoy video games. I was wrong, my shifts contained me being slumped behind a counter as mother's brought gta5 and cod for their kids that had obviously been begging for months. I smile brightly as they walk in but I already know that they're buying it to keep their kids quiet as they sit around and smoke pot and watch TV with their messed up friends that were always drunk. Well, that's what my father did anyway.
The day past by as usual, cashing in the money for useless items, knowing that I'd only get a small amount of everything in the register.
It was around 4pm when the bell to the shop door jingles, snapping me out of my daydream that was about god knows what. I cocked my head up and smiled the fakest smile only to be met with a tall figure. My mouth agape as my eyes skimmed over the strangers appearance, he had dyed black hair that covered his left eye even if he had splinges (splits between a fringe). His eyes were a blue color, or were they green? Although they also had a hint of yellow, they were a mystery. His skin was pale but his crooked nose was lightly littered with freckles. His smile stretched out, it was genuine and happy. "afternoon!" He said as his foot passed through the door. I put my hand up as a welcome, stupid Dan. That wasn't cool.
The man wore a jumper that was too big for him, enveloping his hands which I thought was adorable. His jumper was pared with black jeans that had holes in them, but you could tell he brought them like that. The small amount of flesh on his left  thigh poked out was enough to make me fall head over heels for him. But I'm not gay.
I shake the thought out of my head and divert my eyes to the floor. After about a minute of him scrolling through the shelves, he started walking over to the cash register. A small amount of sadness crosses my mind as I hoped he'd stay. Butterflies flutter my brain as his careful steps drew closer. I finally look up to see him stood there. God he was cute. All I wanted to do in that moment was hold his sweet hands that were still hidden in his jumper. He chewed the inside of his mouth as if he was nervous, I wandered if he wanted to ask me out. Stupid Dan, he wouldn't do that.

"Hey, I was wandering if you had Skyrim?" He said enthusiastically whilst trying to catch my eyes. I blushed a little. His voice was smooth, relaxing, calm, it almost emoted a happy aura around the room. It took me a second to answer as my mouth was dry and slightly hanging open. I stumble on my words like I did on the train, but this time it was because I was nervous. "Yeah I think its, I think it's in the back," I say, Skyrim is my favorite game but nobody ever buys it here. It was always cod or GTA or some other popular video game that never caught my interest. "I'll see if I... I'll see if I can find it.. for you" I splutter, stupid Dan.
"Thanks!" The man said genuinely, I felt flattered for no other reason other than he was speaking to me. I smile, the smile was genuine and I couldn't remember the last time I felt happy. I walked to the back and put my hand on the door, I felt dizzy and needed to steady my breathing. His face was plastered in the front of my mind as I searched for the game. Finally I found it. Maybe I could throw him a cool pick-up line like.. like.. though my mind was on him, damnit. I walk through to the checkout to see the man standing there waiting patiently.
"Skyrim!" I say in my posh English accent that he probably found annoying. "This is one of my favorite games like, ever" this seemed to make the man happy as he reached over the counter holding his hand out, "Phil," he said smiling. 'phil' I thought, thinking of his name over and over smiling. I took his hand, his hand was comfortable and mine fit well in his. "Dan!" I say, glad that we are now at least acquaintances. I didn't really know what to say but I felt like my mouth took control of me when I blurted out "you new around here?" Releasing Phil's hand, I scanned the game.
"Yeah actually, I just moved out of my parents, embarrassing actually- most people move out when they go to university," I think about the time when I moved out as soon as I turned 16. I headed off to college, not because I wanted to go but because I needed a place to stay that wasn't their house. Their horrible house that was always filled with screaming and crying and pain and-
"You should come over!" Phil suggested. Snapping me out of my thoughts, "I mean, only if you want to, but I could do with a friend and we both like Skyrim" phil breathed the words as if it didn't mean as much as it meant to me. I turn to look at the clock. 4:25. I look back over to Phil who looks hopeful.
"My shift has five minutes left but nobody normally minds if I shut a bit early" I say. "So sure! Let me just pack up quickly"
I saw the joy in Phil's eyes. "That's great!! Do you need a hand?" He says quickly. And I smile at him. "Im good I need to just get changed and lock up"
"I'll wait here then" he smiles at me.
I shut the door to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I'm smiling. I pull on my black skinny jeans and throw on my black and white striped shirt. I turn the water on and splash my face to make me look more awake. I smoothe down my hair a bit and smile into the mirror, shoving my work clothes into my bag and heading out. After that, Phil and I spoke for hours on end, we ended up heading to the coffee shop and Phil got cream on his upper lip, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Just for him to tell me I did the same. He leaned in and wiped my mouth with a cloth from the table and I went red like a tomato. I gently kicked him under the table and we carried on talking before being kicked out at closing time. We eventually made our way to Phil's flat, linking arms as we walked. He gave me a grand tour of his plushies on his shelf, mounds and mounds of video games. He showed me his cute little kitchen and before we knew it we were sat on the couch playing Skyrim. I only realised the time when I yawned and glanced at the clock. I gasped out loud when I realised it was 2am. We fell into a spluttering fit of laughter when it dawned on us. I felt sad as I stood up to stretch. About to head out, and I was scared to walk home in the dark. I think Phil could tell that I was nervous because he asked if I wanted to stay the night. I swear i saw him blush just as much as I did. Phil offered to grab me some of his pyjamas to sleep in. Which I accepted, I lazed back on his sofa that was supprisingly comfortable. Slowly I fell asleep, which was embarrassing because I was completely clothed and on Phil's couch. I kind of wish that Phil was here to cuddle me but... No I'm not gay. Shut up dan.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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