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'You make me a better person than I was yesterday and a worse person than tomorrow'

Taehyung carries Jungkook to his room, hitting the wall everyone in a while as the two continued their makeout session

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Taehyung carries Jungkook to his room, hitting the wall everyone in a while as the two continued their makeout session.

"Ouch, be careful." Complained Jungkook as he hit his foot on the corner of the door as Taehyung buried his head into the younger's neck.

Jungkook was placed onto to soft bed as Taehyung continued to assault his lovers neck, producing multiple upon multiple dark hickey's.

"Ah." Jungkook threw his head back as he gripped the nape of Taehyung's neck.

"Taetae, p-please do something." Moaned out the teen as he grinder up into nothing wanting some sort of friction.

"Aww does my baby need me." Condescendingly spike Taehyung in an unnervingly calm voice.

Jungkook just nodded his head with blush red embarrassed cheeks as he grew more and more desperate.

Taehyung removed his shirt slowly and sensually as he sighed, feeling Jungkook's soft hands trace his tanned stomach; paying attention to the muscles.

"Take off your shirt babyboy."

Jungkook listened instantly and quickly removed his oversized top, throwing it to the side and moving down to his belt.

Jungkook didn't know how fast he was moving till Taehyung stopped him, "calm down Kookie, I'm going nowhere."

Jungkook took deep breaths as he nodded, laying his head into the soft pillow as Taehyung began to remove his pants then eventually his own.

"Is this your first time." Softly spoke the pink haired boy, biting his lower lip as he looked down and the beautiful boy.


Taehyung felt happy that he would be the one to take the males virginity, giving him a sense of pride and proudness knowing that he will take care of the younger.

"It will hurt, but no matter what you can always tell me to stop if you aren't comfortable." The latter padded his thumb over the younger's cheek as they adoringly stared at each other.

Taehyung kisses his lover deeply and passionately as the elder whimpered in return.

The pink haired male moved over to the draw, giving the teen time to breath as he grabbed both lube and a condom.

"You d-don't have to wear one." Nervously spoke Jungkook, not looking into the elders eyes.

Taehyung smiled kindly as he realised that the teen trusted him enough, "well I'm clean, but it's not up to me. It's up to you."

Jungkook nodded, taking the packet out of his hyung's hand and placing it back into the draw.

The pink haired took the lube, warning it up onto his fingers and then slowly placing one at Jungkook's entrance.

Jungkook quietly cried out a little at the foreign and uncomfortable intrusion, "it's c-cold."

Taehyung chuckled slightly as the innocent voice, "I know bun, it'll feel better soon though."

As time passed the nineteen year old grew more fond of the action, feeling pleasure he'd never felt before.

The teen had never even done such a thing as masturbating before; always too scared to be caught.

The brunette's head flew back as the pleasure began to overwhelm his body, grabbing ahold of the others shoulders.

"F-faster, please h-hyung."

Taehyung complied but not for very long as he noticed he wouldn't last much longer, " w-why did you stop."

Jungkook lifted his head up off the pillow, hair already stuck to his head as  Taehyung had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Don't be bratty, you'll get what you want." Jungkook craved the dominant voice the elder used.

"C-can I ask something." Jungkook wanted his first time to be different, wanting it to not so much be the way that Taehyung maybe thought he wanted it to be.

Taehyung nodded at him, "could you, could you be a little r-rough?"

Taehyung's eyebrows raised at the surprising question, "rough, how rough. Want me to pull your hair babyboy."

Taehyung reached up and grabbed some of Jungkook's hair, pulling at it softly, "harder." Whimpered Jungkook.

Taehyung did as he was told, pulling it much harder earning a beautiful cracked moan. "P-please hyung."

"You telling me what to do." Rhetorically asked the pink haired male.

"N-no." Jungkook secretly loved the nasty and dominant tone of his voice, wanting him to do it more, pull his hair more.

"You ready?"asked Taehyung, Jungkook nodded as he entwined their hands.

Taehyung slowly get powerly pushed into his lover, slowing down when needed so Jungkook was able to adjust to his size.

The elder groaned at the tightness, burying his head into the others neck, biting down harshly to and licking over the now throbbing skin.

Jungkook monad at the pain, wanting more and more as it bought more and more pleasure.

"Harder." Squeaked the younger.

Taehyung's thrusts became powerful and hard as he pulled, more like yanked the brow hair of his lover.

"Ah h-hyung." The moans elicited from Jungkook were magic and beautiful to Taehyung's ears.

That night the two grew even more intimate than either could have imagined. Hung look felt things he never felt but it was what he needed and loved.

They made love, and through their love they became one.


So, boy with luv, previously known as the warmest colour is pink is finished.

I hope you all enjoyed it and please please let me know what you think.

This made me cackle

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This made me cackle

the warmest colour is pink. {taekook}Where stories live. Discover now