Chapter 4

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You walked in the dull hallways with Levi wandering behind you. You were a little nervous since he was going to be inside your apartment and you didn't know why. You took a deep breath as you neared your place and you saw a figure standing by your doorway.

"_______!" Eren got up from leaning against the wall and greeted you.

"Oh, Eren!" You jogged up to him. "Sorry for the wait.. I was out."

"It's okay!" He assured. Soon Levi caught his attention as he peered out beside you. "Oh.. who's this?" Eren gestured with his deep green eyes.

"Oh.." You didn't know how to put it. Levi wasn't really anyone to you but a stranger you ended up getting involved with. "He's a friend.."

"A friend?" Eren's expression twisted. "Just a friend?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it!" You quickly turned to your door and unlocked it and the three of you entered.

"Just take a seat over there. Eren, this is Levi and Levi, this is Eren. Good now we all know each other!" You instantly went to go clean your mess in the kitchen you left. You looked at Levi hoping he wouldn't notice but you saw that he was too preoccupied with Eren. Surprisingly they were talking a lot or so it seemed

Just as you finished, you went to sit with the two guys. "So, what are you guys chatting about?"

"Nothing.." Levi stood up. "I should get going soon."

"Oh.. but.." You tried to stop him.

"I have to go, I'll see you later." He waved a hand in the air. "And next time, clean up a little more."

You made a face at him as he left. "Don't worry at all about that! Bye!!"

Once he left, the two of you we're left in the silence of your apartment.

"He's a weird guy.." Eren stated as his leaned his elbows on his knees.

"Why's that?" You asked.

"He was asking me all these questions.. Like he knew me or something.." Eren pursed his lower lip in thought. "Kinda creepy.."

"Maybe he's mistaking you for someone."

"That's probably it. Anyway, shouldn't we get started with your studying then?" Eren reminded you.

"Ah! You're right. Let's start!"

That night, Eren had fallen asleep at your place after your study session. You hesitated to wake him up so he could go home but you let him stay over. You put a blanket over him him and left a pillow for him. Then you finally went to get yourself ready for bed.

You woke up rubbing your eyes and yawning as you stretched in your bed. You sat there for a whole before getting up to do your daily routine. Once you finished you went over to Eren who was still soundly asleep.

"Hey Eren.." you lightly shook his shoulder. "Wake up.."

"Hmm?" his eyes opened up and he turned toward you. "Huh? I fell asleep here...?" He blinked a few times.

"Yeah, sorry for having you stay so late.." you apologized.

"That's okay.. I should get ready for class soon then.." He sat up and headed for your bathroom to get himself ready for the day.

"As much as I want to be here, I don't want to be here.." You sighed as you and Eren ambled on your way around your university. You trudged your feet besides Eren as the two of you neared your classroom together just like any other day.

The lecture was boring as usual but you tried to make sense of it. Glancing at the clock too many times, you were finally rewarded when class was over and you could leave for a lunch break. You and Eren went to the dining area and had lunch together.

"You have one more class today right?" He stuffed his face with his food.

"Yeah, then I have to go to work.." You did the same.

"That's not too bad I guess.." He wiped his mouth and stretched. "Man am I tired already.."

"Me too.." You slouched in your chair.

"Well, I have to get going since my class starts soon. I'll see you tomorrow, _______." Eren rose from his seat and waved goodbye.

"See ya!" you returned the gesture and heaved a deep sigh because you didn't want to go to your next class either.

Your day was finally over as you made your way back to the restaurant. You found yourself thinking back on the time you met Levi. You smiled unconsciously as you remembered how it led to the two of you walking back to your house and your quick dinner date. You didn't know why but you really enjoyed his company. It made you feel lonely as you were walking alone to work.

"Maybe he'll come in today.." You whispered to yourself. You stopped in your tracks and shook your head as to bring yourself back to reality. What were you thinking anyway? Levi was nothing too special to you right? He shouldn't be making you feel this way. You stopped in front of the restaurant and opened the door.

"Ahh, _______!" Hanji greeted you. "Come in, come in. Today will be an interesting day." She walked over to you and placed her hands on your shoulders.

"Hanji, what are you talking about..?" You nervously walked as she pushed you along to the back.

"See for yourself." She gave your back a push and you nearly fell over as you bumped in front of Jean.

"Hey, watch it." He scolded as he adjusted his balance.

"Hello to you too Jean." You dodged him and went to check yourself in.

"Hey _______!" Sasha gave you a tap on the shoulder. "Hanji couldn't wait for you to come to work today!" She exclaimed.

"Why?" You squinted your brows as you turned to the girl.

"Come here.." She tugged on your arm and lead you to the kitchen. "Take a look."

And surely enough you saw a familiar person in a white outfit. "Wh-what's he doing here?!" Your jaw dropped.

"Apparently Levi's a new chef." Sasha told you.

"Oh man.." You didn't know if you were excited to start working with him or nervous but you would have to deal with it soon enough.

--please don't look at me I am so sorry for the delay

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