how they hug pt. 2

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Hyunjin ///

- hyunjin loves hugging you anytime and anywhere tbh

- he likes to at least have his arm around your waist at all times aww

- but he especially loves anything involving running fingers through hair (yours or his)

- he holds you close to him by putting his hand at the small of your back, and the other hand is definitely in your hair

- you having both of your hands in his hair drives him crazy shhsgd


Jisung ///

- this boy likes tight hugs; the type where there is absolutely no space between you

- will always wrap his arms around your shoulders

- he also loves burying his face in your neck; it makes him feel closer to you

- he loves pda, but saves those tight hugs for when you're alone. they're too meaningful to share with the world

- won't hug much in public since he values them so much; he prefers hand-holding and light kisses in public


Felix ///

- e y e c o n t a c t

- this boy wants to stare into your eyes forever, and he loves when you stare into his

- he would lock his hands behind your waist and pull you in close

- your foreheads are touching so you can just look at each other

- bonus; if you're in private, I think he would love straddling hugs

- you would wrap your arms around his neck, and then he would grap your thighs and life you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist


Seungmin ///

- he wants you to hold him

- but seriously, this boy is so soft and he just wants to feel protected

- he approaches you for hugs, but you're the one that has to pull him in

- he loves when you have one hand on his back, and the other on the back of his neck; it makes him feel safe and loved

- and if you're the one who wants to be hugged, he will hold you close to him with his hands on your upper back


Jeongin ///

- the most playful hugs ever

- somehow you tickling him turns into a hug and no one really knows how it happens

- he doesn't stand still during your hugs; he either swings you around or traces patterns onto your back

- but when y'all are feeling more serious and sentimental, you'd lay your head on his chest

- his hand would be on your head, holding you so close that you can feel his heart beating


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