Part 1//On my way✈️

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After I finish doing my makeup I head down stairs to get something to eat before we head out I check my phone and see that it's only 6am "we've still got plenty of time"Dad says as he come over sipping on a roasting cup of coffee "no dad you don't get it by the time we get to the airport there will be people waiting for me to take photos so I need at least an hour for that and then checking in and then I'll probably need food on the plane we're talking at least 2 hours here!"I say chomping down my cereal and my dad just laughs at me and nods "okay we'll go get your stuff and we'll leave straight away"he points up stairs and I jump out my seat and run up stairs to grab my bags I post a tweet so that people can come and say goodbye I don't know why they'd want to I mean it's only me I guess I still haven't rapped my head around the whole being 'famous' thing , after gathering my things I head down stairs and out the door into my dads car as we drive out of the estate "bye Danny, I'm going to miss you"I get out and hug the security guard "I'm going to miss you too miss.wright"she hugs me back and let's us out and we head off to the airport as we arrive there is a bunch of people outside screaming my name "I can't believe this is happening"I whisper to my Dad.
~ 1 hour later ~
After talking with my 'fans' I head inside the airport and see my friends waiting for me I run over and give them the biggest hug "I can't believe your leaving us"Colby laughs and squeezes me tightly "we're going to miss you" Sam and Kat say at the same time and we laugh I can see tears forming on Charley's face "awh Charley I'm gonna miss you"I say as I wipe away her tear and give her a tight hug "don't cry babe, I'll see you again soon I'm only going for the summer"I say trying to reassure her and she nods I can tell she's holding back her tears "I'm going to miss you so much"Colby says again this time pulling me closer and giving me a quick kiss "look I have to go but I'll talk soon"I nod and head over to my dad "Dad I'm going to miss you so much"I hug him this time tears running down my face "I'm going to miss you to"he wipes away my tears and I smile at him "go ahead remember if you need anything I'm one call away"he nods at me and I turn and walk away with tears falling down my face.
~on the plane~
When I find my seat there is no one there so I sit at the window seat and take out my sketch pad and my earphones from my bag I put my earphones in and start listening to Bruises by Lewis Capaldi just when the chorus comes on I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see a confused but gorgeous man standing before me "oh my god you're Natasha Wright"he points at me "yes and you are"I wait for him to continue "Blake Richardson lovely to meet you"he shakes my hand for a moment we just stare each other but then I pull my self back from staring into his chocolate like eyes "what is it you wanted to ask me"I smile at him "oh eh is this 27B?"he says looking at his ticket "yes it is"I smile back "REECE, GEORGE I found or seats"he turns and shouts which make me jump and think Reece I haven't heard that name in years it couldn't be Reece Bibby could it?.

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