Part 2//Remember me?

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After Blake shouts towards the back of the plane a boy comes running down the narrow path "OMG you're Natasha Wright"a blonde boy with bright blue eyes points at me "yes I am and what's your name?"I nod at him this time pausing my music "George Smith, it's a pleasure meeting you"he reaches out his hand and I shake it and smile "Reece!"george shouts towards a boy with gorgeous green eyes and Blonde hair, no way is that Reece Bibby it can't be I have seen him in like 3 or 4 years I turn back in my seat and put my music back on and begin to sketch basically ignoring the boys that are sat beside me.
~5 minutes later~
I feel yet another tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Reece "Remember me?"he smiles "no I don't recall you at all"I put on a fake American accent just to confuse him "I knew you was lying"Blake laughs as he puts his earphones "surely you remember me, we we're best friends like 3 years ago"he says trying to rejog my memory as if I would forget Reece "of course I know you I'm only teasing dumbo"I playfully punch his shoulder and his confused expression moves from his face I look over to see George and Blake with their mouths open "trying to catch flys boys?"reece scoffs at them and they close there mouths "but how...."they both say in shock and then they have no words so I go back to my music.
~10 minutes later ~
*passengers buckle up because we're about to take off*
"Natasha are you going to be alright?"Reece asks, he still remembers "I'll be fine"I say fighting the tears in my eyes and then he grabs my hand and I mouth thank you to him and he mouths back your welcome, see what you don't know is ever since my uncle Jamie died in a plane crash I've always been scared of flying the only reason reece knows this because one time my family and his went on holiday together and I cried when we took off and when we landed I've always been embarrassed about it I don't know what it is about these boys they just make me feel comfortable and i only met them about 15 minutes ago .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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