Life on the Wild Side

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Chapter 1:

A new life, new school and a new set of people to prank. I take a deep breath of air, choked with multiple perfumes as I enter the hallway, crowded with students filling each nook and cranny. My heels clack against the marble floor, my skinny jeans hold my legs like a second skin and the black tank top I wear just shows from underneath my leather jacket; the attentions all on me and I can't help but love it.

It was sad to think I was once a looser like the nerd I just passed, sad to think I was the one getting pushed around by the slut bags and bad boys; not this time though, not this year either. It was a new school, a new life; and I was going to live it up like it was my last day on earth.


"Hello Miss, I'm Mercy Falls" I say in a kind manner as I approach the front desk.

"Ah, I've been expecting you" The lady says a little creepily, after three seconds we both burst into a fit of laughter and it's then that I know her and I are going to get along just fine. "Sorry, I've always wanted to do that."

I laugh again, "You should totally become an actress." I lean down closer to her. "I've always wanted to do that thing where you walk into an elevator full of people and ask them 'I guess you're all wondering why I brought you here today'."

The lady laughs and wipes a stray tear from her eye, "honey, you and I are going to get along just fine." I smile and nod in agreement.

"Okay, before I give you your schedule, Ms. Hutchinson would like to see you" my heart jolts and I stop mid step before turning back to her.

"Did you say 'Hutchinson'?" I see the lady give a confused stare before laughing.

"Yes honey, I did but she's not related to the Josh Hutchinson I promise you" I sigh in disappointment.

"Okay, thank you..." I carry out the word in hopes of finding out her name.

"Oh, it's Ms. Carroll but..." She leans in closer to me, looking around as if looking for anyone that may hear what she wanted to say. "You can call me Sheryl."

I smile and nod before giving a half arsed salute and leaving to knock on the door of the principals office.

"Come in!" I hear a muffled voice from behind the door.

As I enter I'm surprised to say that Ms. Hutchinson wasn't what I would expect. She was young with straight blonde hair and light blue eyes that were serious yet kind in one. She smiles a row of straight white teeth and I can instantly tell we would get along, much better than the old principal I would hope; I shudder at the thought.

"Good morning Ms. Hutchinson, I'm Mercy, Mercy Falls" she smiles and stands, shaking my hand before she gestures to the seat in front of her oak desk.

"Well Mercy, I've heard a lot about you and your grades, but something caught my interest the most was your record of... Pranks" she shuffles though a pile of papers and I smirk slightly at the thought of pranks.

"Don't worry Miss, I promised my father I wouldn't give in to the urge. That side of me has been covered by a sheet and put into the attic..." I sigh out slightly.

In my old school, I was known as the nerd, the boring piece of shit everyone called trash but even though I was that person, I could pull a bad ass prank that always put whoever it was that had been cruel to me, on the stool below mine. I was known as the prank master but no one knew my identity, no one knew that it was the nerd who was always pushed around... No one knew who I was until that night.

"That's not what I ask of you Mercy, if anything I hope you embrace that side of you. You are who you are and no one should change that, all I ask of you is to clean up afterwards and please, don't hurt any of the students. The only reason I'm telling you this is because for one, I was a bit of a prankster in my day and for another, this school gets boring pretty quick; we need entertainment, tust me when I say, this town gets boring as hell"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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