The little giant returns

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Ai shrugged and smiled, "it's just like my mother's cooking!"

Everyone on the team beside kuroko sweatdropped.

'Her mother must be worse than Momoi's. How has she survived this long...?'


Life went by and the more she got to know the first stringers in Teiko, the more precious they became to her.

And similarly, she too, became an indispensable existence to them.

The more they played against each other, the stronger they grew. They looked forward to every single match, not for the victory, but for the game. A game where they were always able to work so well together.

It was the happiest period of her life and each day always started with looking forward to training. Training with them.

Or that was how it should have been.

But when both her parents received an offer to train Russia's International Team, farewell was an inevitable last gift.

"I..." she started to the group of people surrounding her only for her words to get choked up in her throat.

"Ai-chan!" Momoi was the first to break down, hugging her tightly as tears flowed down. "Can't you stay? I'll ask my parents to let you stay in our house!"

"Right right! Ai-chii, just stay with us and don't go already!" Kise ran and joined the hug.

"Sorryyyyyyy Momoi-chan, Se-chan!" Her own tears rained down too. "I really want to but everything is already settled in Russia already!"

"Ai." The young boy sniffed a little.

"Dai-channnnnn uwahhhh I'll miss you too!" She went up to hug him next. "I won't be able to play basketball with you anymore but I'll definitely get stronger so you have to too!"


"Ai-chan. Don't push yourself too much in Russia and stay healthy." The green haired male adjusted his glasses and hid the glint in his eyes.

"Un! I will, Mido-channnnnnn!" She gave him a tight hug.

"Ai-chan, remember to keep in contact." Even Kuroko's usual expressionless face looked almost ashened now.

"Tetsu-chan! I will miss you!! It's the first time we'll be so far away, isn't it!"

"Ai-chan, here's some sweets..." Murasakibara sounded awfully gloomy today. "Eat it on your way there."

"Thank you Mura-channnn!"

"Ai-chan." Only the Emperor sounded composed enough. "Take care."

"Aka-channnn! I'll miss you and your strict trainings too!"


2 years later...

Russia's international volleyball team was holding another one of their training in the crowded beach. After all, with the eccentric and over-dramatic coach, Hinata Reo, overseeing training, there would be nothing more interesting to see.

"Tom! I've told you so many times before that my teeth are all falling out now." He sighed in exasperation and sniffed in frustration. "You can't jump so recklessly without seeing past your opponents' deceits!"

"And Frank!" Another sigh. "By the time you manage to save that ball, I'll be dead already."

Both Tom and Frank grinned despite the scolding they've just gotten because Hinata Reo might be a drama queen, but he did not give out advices that were not useful. And nonetheless, he felt more like a friend than a coach.

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