Chapter 1

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Having just moved to the Sakamaki household, I was told I would be staying Yui's old room, since she's in Ayato's room, whoever they are. I gripped my bear tightly. Being the shy girl I am, I just hoped nobody would ridicule me for having a teddy bear at 16. When I walked inside, I was caught with the whiff of blood. "Ok, this is a bit terrifying, but I can't show fear..........who am I kidding, I'm terrified" I complained to my bear, Ginger, as I was confronted by six vampires and one girl.

My eyes widened with fear.

The girl came up to me and told me that the six boys are mostly harmless. "R-really?" I asked backing into one of them. He had white hair descending into pink, covering his right eye, which looked to be pink as well. His left eye was red. He had a key on a chain around his neck.

I'm not going to lie, he was cute.

She nodded and she could tell I was very scared. As he looked at me, I could tell he didn't want anyone else in the house. "I-I'll let myself out" I tried not to stutter but I failed. Turning around to run, I was grabbed by the wrist. "You're not allowed to leave here, little darling" the boy with a fedora said.

I looked up at him and he licked my cheek, making me squeal and squirm away from him.

"Laito, please refrain from doing this in the main living room area. Like I keep trying to tell Ayato, do that in your private quarters" a man with glasses said as he pushed them back up. "Chill, Reiji. I didn't do anything that bad" the one named Laito said. I was very scared but I knew that I couldn't show any fear.

I failed at not showing fear. The six boys laughed at me. "Guys, leave her alone. If memory serves me, you six were like that when I first got here" the girl said. "*sighs* I suppose you're right, Yui" the one I assumed to be Reiji said. The one I assumed to be Yui looked at me and said that she was going to show me to my room.

Sheepishly, I nodded my head. She gave me a warm smile and took me to her old room. Once inside, my jaw dropped. The room was huge and nice. She giggled at my reaction.

"That was my first reaction, too, uh..............I'm sorry, but I don't know your name" Yui said. "Lucy Nijima" I said. "Lucy, huh? I like your name. I'm Yui by the way" she said.

"I kinda figured that" I said clutching Ginger tighter to my chest. "You kind of remind me of Kanato-kun, holding the bear the same way he does" Yui told me as someone kicked in the door, making me squeak in fear. "Ayato-kun, stop doing that, you are scaring Lucy-chan" Yui told him.

"Yours truly will do whatever yours truly wants" Ayato said, wrapping his arm around Yui's waist and pulling her closer to him. He bit her neck and she looked like she didn't like it, but what do I know, she could like it, but I could be wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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