New Plan

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"In the Red Temple"

Daenerys was finishing washing her body she had wore her nightgown and was admiring the night sky Sansa came in and was watching her she had a lot of feelings and felt like she should apologize for not treating her with respect or kindness and that Jon had shown her that and he saved her maybe they were wrong about her but it doesn't matter now because once the souls were rescued they would return to the afterlife no way around it she approached Daenerys she scared her "you shouldn't sneak up on a person like that" Sansa looked at her "sorry it's just hard to see when. . ." Dany interrupted "when I'm suppose to be dead yeah I get that a lot but I'm used to it" Sansa "I'm sorry" Dany shook her head "its okay Jon and I have been enjoying life what little we still have left to enjoy" Sansa "Is the scare still there?" Dany smiled "you can hardly see it now" Sansa sighed Dany knew that look "whatever it is just say it" Sansa looked at her "I betrayed you and Jon and destroyed your house yet you seem different" Daenerys looked at her weirdly "well that's what happens when you die" Sansa continued "still why don't you hate me I treated you so badly I didn't welcome you or thanked you for helping us yet you don't seem one bit interest in revenge" Dany looked at her "and where did that get me and my family murdered and dead I don't want to be like that besides what's done is done I can't waste my time on things like that it's not the kind of person I want to be" she walked away and headed for bed.

Sansa returned to her room unsure of herself as she lied on her bed had she been wrong about the Dragon Queen this whole time she wasn't mad she was just lost in grief betrayal she needed a friend an ally and she made it worse for her and Jon and in the end it destroyed them maybe Jon did what Arya and she couldn't by saving the Queen she saved and purified her soul so she could be at peace with herself and her family she was confused but would try and make it up to them before they returned to the afterlife.

Dany and Jon were getting ready for bed Jon was worried that Sansa would do something to upset Daenerys but he noticed she didn't seem to care "Everything alright with you and Sansa?" he asked Dany was quiet about for a while "were fine we've come to an understanding" Jon nodded "I know you were angry at her for a while after the destruction of our house but you and I both got over it" Dany nodded "that's because we had our family and it became easier for us the only person that cannot get over it is Sansa" he agreed "we have more important things to worry about then Sansa" she agreed they laid in bed with each other in their arms "it feels good to just feel each other like this even if we are alive for a little while" Dany agreed "feeling a cool breeze and the warm sun nothing like it in the Elysian fields" they fell asleep.

the next morning Sansa, Jon, and Dany were ready to depart Kinvara meet with them "you will need help so I am sending my best Priestess Nesera with you she is one of the strongest" Dany nodded she told the others that she sent word what Bran has done the army will be marching towards King landing but it will take a least 3 days to make it there they need to camp near Essos first near Pentos Dany agreed "thank you Kinvara for everything" Kinvara smiled at her and Jon "you two be carefully and find your family again" she smiled at Kinvara, Kinvara looked at Sansa "be careful with that one" Jon nodded "we'll watch her like a hawk" they waved goodbye and departed for Essos.

"In Essos"

It took twice as long to reach Essos they were exhausted and needed to stop Jon instructed the others to stop "Lets camp here for the night" Nesera was praying towards the Lords of the light for safety and peace Sansa was by the fire eating her food and drinking and was watching Dany and Jon who smiled at each other she didn't understand how they could be happy then again she didn't understand death she knew they were worried about the others in the afterlife Sansa got up suddenly "I'm going to bed you two should get some rest" they shook their heads "we want to experience living before it's gone" Sansa nodded and exited toward her tent Dany stood up and held onto his hand she massaged his shoulders Jon began talking "you know you don't realize what you leave behind till its gone like the night sky and sounds there's nothing like it on the other side you know what I miss the most" Dany smiled "me?" Jon nodded Dany smiled "Jon there's something I want to tell you" Jon looked at her "what?" Dany smiled "My death wasn't your fault things had to play-out the way it was suppose to"  Jon realized that day "sometimes I think that if I got to you sooner that things would have been different" Dany shook her "No Jon it was amazing that you got to me when you did see I was convinced I couldn't be a good person that fear was my only power but you showed me the errors of my ways you saved me and in return I saved you, you did everything right don't blame yourself okay" Jon touched her shoulders "its just when I found you, you were there one minute and then gone the next it hurt too much I guess I started to wonder if it was even worth it" Dany stopped him "but it is the one thing I learned about love it's stronger than life even stronger then death my feelings for you is what kept me going on in the Elysian fields it was like I created my own Elysian fields myself" Jon stopped her "there's something I want to tell you too" Dany looked at him "what?" Jon looked at her deeply "I love you" they soon began to make out and he led her down to the ground if this was to be there last night they wanted to enjoy it they made love underneath the stars.

The next morning they all headed to white Harbor to take a ship to Winterfell they needed to regroup the army would meet them at Castle Black from there they could travel to Winterfell Dany and Jon would wonder how the people would react to them being alive they boarded the ship Dany and Jon watching the view while being in each others arms while below deck Sansa was debating what to do Nesera had come down below deck and joined her "thinking on what you'll do when you face Bran?" Sansa was shocked "he's my brother but for him to destroy good souls its unacceptable" Nesera laughed "you really think he'll stop there that's what he does they don't call him the three eyed for nothing isn't that why you helped him destroy House Targaryen but sentencing the Queen and King to their deaths" Sansa was upset "I didn't mean for that to happen" Nesera was angry "of course not never mind that the Queen sacrificed her friends and family and her dragons for you never mind she gave up being a mother to help you or the fact that she nearly died out there on the battlefield defending your people or the fact that you destroyed them in the end the fact remains none of this would have happened had at not been for your family!" Nesera walked away "you should know when Jon was banished beyond the wall he never stopped loving Daenerys he had nightmares because of her and he loved her and you destroyed her!" she said finally walking away Sansa  was horrified she then flashed back to that day she talked to Dany "he loves you, you know that" Dany smiled "I'm here because I love your brother and I trust him to be true to his word" Sansa shook it off maybe she had been wrong Nesera was right had her family treated her differently Kings Landing would have never happened Jon and Dany would be happy raising a family if it weren't for her she felt guilty just like Jon.

Nesera came aboard the ship and watched Daenerys and Jon she smiled and looked at them she knew once this was over she would return to her duties to the Priestess and Jon and Daenerys would return to the afterlife but for now they had a duty to perform the Captain yelled "Land hoy" they had arrived to Winterfell they made their way to Castle Black and knew they would meet Tormund before Jon died in Battle he made Tormund promise to be in charge of Castle Black and he did Tormund came out "who goes there!" he gasped when he saw Queen Sansa and Jon and Dany alive he came and looked at them he hugged the Dragon Queen and shook Jon's hand "by the gods how is this possible" Jon looked at him "were only alive for a little while Tormund we need your help good souls are in trouble!" he didn't know if Tormund would believe him as he explained Tormund was not surprised "if you need my help you've got it!" Dany and Jon knew they could always depend on him now it was time to prepare he led them inside Castle Black in which he had not been since he was a boy.

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