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When Morgan, JJ, and Emily pulled up to the hotel, they tried seeing if anyone was at the front desk so that they could get a key to get in, but there was no one there. Morgan went up to the room number and kicked the door open, it was his specialty. The three then cleared the motel, just to be sure, and there they saw her. Violet, dead in the bathtub. Her throat had been slashed and she bled out in the tub. JJ couldn't bare to look at Violet's body anymore, she was going to be sick and ran outside. It reminded her too much of her sister, Roslyn, who committed suicide in the bathtub when JJ was only eleven. Emily ran out to check and see if JJ was okay. JJ is terrified of freezing up, after she froze when she found Roslyn. When Emily ran out there, JJ was shaking. She was staring blankly into the street, frozen.

Emily put her hand on JJ's shoulder and traced her thumb back and forth. After a few seconds, she spoke: "I'm right here. I promise you, I'll always be right here." Almost on cue, Morgan walked out with his phone in his hand.

"I've got Garcia on the phone. I asked her to check the cameras to see who went in and out of the room that night. Hey, babygirl, talk to me."

Garcia's keyboard could be heard through the phone and she said,"So, I hacked into the cameras both in the front and back of the motel and the footage shows 5 people going in and out of the hotel all night long. At one point, Chip comes out of the room, oh god." Her voice sounds sad and concerned.

"What is it?" Emily asks.

"He's carrying a bloody knife. He's stumbling, he can't stand up straight, he's heavily drugged." Morgan thanks Garcia like always and hangs up the phone. With the ambulance pulling up to take Violet's body away, Morgan, JJ, and Emily get back in the SUV and start heading back to the station. So far, the only new evidence that the team has found is evidence that doesn't help prove Chip's innocence. The only thing that could possibly prove that Chip is telling the truth is his own memory. What does Chip remember from that night?

"When Reid was drugged in Mexico, he couldn't remember correctly, what if it's like that with Chip? What if we can't get him out in time? Is Spence gonna be okay?" JJ sounded concerned. They were all worried about Reid, he's been through so much, he needs a break from the bad once in a while, he needs some good in his life, he needs a brother. That's why he's always been so thankful to have Morgan, because Morgan was always the closest thing Reid had ever had to a brother. Now, when he finally has the chance to reconnect with his family, it could turn out horribly. Reid had been to prison for something he didn't do. If it weren't for the BAU, he'd probably be dead in there. Spencer doesn't want that for anyone else.

When they arrive back at the station, JJ heads into the interrogation room to check on Reid.

"Hey, Spence. Everything okay?" Reid looks as if he's thinking really hard, that something is really bothering him. "What's up?"

He squints and rubs his eyes, trying to get rid  of this tunnel vision. "I'm just trying to remember him, I know he had to have been there at some point, I just, can't figure it out." JJ puts her hand on his shoulder and gently smiles at him.

"We had Garcia pull the video footage from the hotel," she paused, hesitant to tell him. "Chip was holding the knife."

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