Part 9

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Rye pov:
Y/n told us that she's not sure if she wants to move to London because she doesn't know if she wants to live alone. So I talk to the boys and ask them if they would mind if she would live with us for some time or something like that. I told them that I really like her and I want her to be my girlfriend and I don't know if we could have a distance relationship.
Andy: I don't mind at all she's already my best friend.
Brook/jack: we don't mind either she's so nice.
Everybody looks at Mikey.
Sonny: Don't look at me like that.
I don't mind either she's so cool and nice and I would love to have her here.
I'm so happy that everyone agrees I turn to Y/n and tell her.
Rye: Y/n I asked the boy if they would mind if you live here for some time and they say that you can live here as long as you want so if you want you could move in.
Y/n: OMG that's so nice.I will think about it and keep it in the back of my mind.

Y/n pov:
I am really thankfull for the boys.
Blair: Y/n I think you have to pack your stuff because we have to leave in like 30 minutes.
Rye: What!?
Y/n: I'm sorry but I have to get on my flight.
Rye: Okey. Can we at least come with you to the airport.
Y/n: Yeah sure why not.
I go upstairs to Rye's room and start packing. I'm taking off Rye's sweater when he walks in.
Rye: Oh sorry!
Y/n: It's OK I was about to take your hoodie off and give it to you thank you for lending it to me.
Rye: Oh you're welcome but you can keep it.
Y/n: Thanks but i can't keep your sweater.
Rye: it's OK it's a reason for you to come back to London.
He says sad.
Y/n: Don't say that rye it doesn't matter if I will join the alphadog family or not I will definitely come and visit you!
Rye: I know but I really want you to live here with me that I can wake up beside you everyday.
Y/n: Why are you so cute?
Rye laughs.
Y/n: I will try my best to convince my parents Okey?
Rye: Okey!
We both laugh and I finish packing and I get my suitcase.
Blair: Guys we have to go!
Y/n: We are coming!
I scream and we walk down when Blair says.
Blair: You are still wearing rye's favorite sweater!
Y/n: What!?Rye?!
I say and look at him
Rye: I'll told her she could keep it.
Y/n: You didn't tell me it was your favorite one!
Rye: Who cares it's just a sweater!
He says and we walk to the car and drive to the airport.
We arrive at the airport and go into it. We sit down and wait till Blair comes back. He told us that he will look if the plane would be on time.
Blair: The plane will be 30 minutes late.
Y/n: Okey thanks.
Rye: Does anyone want a tea or a coffee from Starbucks.
Boys: Tea please.
Rye: OK and you Y/n?
Y/n: I would like a ice coffee.
Rye: Okey.
Andy: Wait I will help you!
So Rye and Andy went to Starbucks and bought some drinks.
In this time I took out my laptop because I had to do some homework for Monday. I start doing my homework when Rye and Andy arrive.
Rye: Boys here are your teas and here is your ice coffee Babe.
He says and everybody looks shocked.
I thank him and start drinking your coffee. He sits beside you and asks you.
Rye: What are you doing ?
Y/n: I'm doing some homework for Monday.
Rye: Ah ok. You look so cute when you're concentrated.
I laugh and you keep working. He puts his arm around you and you smile.
When Blair says.
Blair: Y/n your plane arrived I think you have to go.
Y/n: Okey thanks.
I stand up and say goodbye to Blair and thank him for everything.
Then I say goodbye to the boys and tell them that it was nice to meet them and that I hope to see them again.
Then I have to say goodbye to rye.
Y/n: I will miss you so much but I will see you soon okey?
Rye: Okey will miss you to Babe.
Y/n: one second.
You say and take of your necklace.
Y/n: you gave me your favorite hoodie so I will give you my favorite necklace.
Rye: I can not accept this Y/n.
Y/n: Yes you can!
I put it into rye's hand then I hug him and say goodbye but before I can walk away he takes my hand and pulls me back he connect our lips and we kiss. The kiss just feels perfect I  want it to never end but he pulls away and says goodbye. I slowly walk away and say goodbye the last time.
I walk to the plane get in the it and sit down and listen to some music I am thinking about the whole move to London thing. When I arrive in (your hometown) I get out of the plane and look for my parents when I see them I start running and hug them.
Y/n: Hi I miss you guys.
Mom: We missed you too!
Dad: How was it?
Y/n: It was great!
We go to the car. And I tell them everything about the weekend and that Blair wants to sign me. My parents are really happy but they told me they aren't sure if they want me to move to London. I tell them that I could finish the year with online school. They tell me that they will think about it. We are driving home when my mom asks me.
Mom: How are the boys? Were they nice?
Y/n: Yes The boys are really nice.
And you start thinking about rye.
Mom: Who are you thinking about?
Y/n: Ah there is this one boy called Rye.
Mom: Are you dating?
Y/n: Not really but we are more then friends. I told him that I first want to know if I will move to London.
Mom: Okey
Dad: What a boy!
Y/n: Yes a boy. I'm 22 years old. Don't you remember?
Dad: sorry
We drive home and just talk.
When we arrived at our house I get out take my guitar and suitcase. I walk to my room and start putting  everything away out of my suitcase. Then I finish my homework and do some singing.
(3 hours later)
I am ready for bed so I lay down and start thinking about Rye till I fall asleep.

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