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It was the middle of September when I first arrived at New York city. The crowded streets were mostly occupied by men in suits and brief cases. A traffic has already formed and the sound of engines and buzzing noises of people gives out the city's industrious lifestyle.

The weather is slightly warmer than I have expected and I thank Odin for that. I glanced at my watch to check the time, 6:15 AM. My mum's friend should be here at any minute. The flight was exhausting and all I want is a bloody rest. A real one.

Memories of the obnoxious elderly man who sat beside me on the plane flashed through my mind and I cringe at the thought. His snores were loud enough to damage my eardrums and his breath, god his breath was so awful that a mouthwash ain't enough to get rid of its smell.

"Elodie, darling." A woman in a white trench coat with the warmest smile pulled me out of my rumination.

"Maisie, hi! Thank you so much for picking me up." I greeted her and she encased me in her arms.

"Oh sweety, don't mention it. You've grown so much since the last time I saw you. You've become more beautiful, and your accent, I love how thick your accent has gotten. The old lady lost hers already a few years back." I laughed along with her. We used to spend a lot of time at their house back in England when my brother and I were little.

"Thank you, Maisie. You don't look like you've aged a bit, tho."

"Oh spare me the flattery words. Come, you had a long flight dear. Let's get you home." Home... this will be my home for the next I don't know, months? Years? Or maybe for only a few days if I allow my anxiety to get the best of me. It's too early to tell.

I am Elodie Williams. I left England to try and find a life outside of my comfort zone. To 'live a little' like some of my friends would say. I left everything I have back there, well not everything at least. Cause he's here.

"I am glad you've reconsidered moving here in New York, Ellie. I have to admit, I was a little surprised when your mum called and asked if it's okay for you to stay with us for a few months while you look for an apartment." Maisie said while driving.

"Yeah, me too. It was an impulsive decision, really. I'm thinking of going back to England already." I joked and she smiled.

"Oh dear, you'll love New York. Trust me. Phoebe did." She assures me. Phoebe is my childhood bestfriend.

"Yeah, I'd hope so..." I was actually trying to convince myself, rather than Maisie.

The drive was short. When we arrived at their house, I was dazzled. "It's huge...."

Maisie giggled as she parked at their garage, "It took a lot of hard work to be able to build this wonderful home."

As soon as we stepped out of the vehicle their front door immediately opened and Phoebe practically ran to me, hugging me real tight. "Elodie!!!!! Ahhhh." She squeaks.

"Woah. Someone bloody missed me." I joked, wrapping my arms around her too.

"Oh my god! Your accent. Your fucking accent is so thick!" She kept squealing and I can't help but laugh.

"Phoebe, language!" Her mum calls her out.

"Sorry, I was just really excited to see you and I feel so giddy. Come on in! We have a lot to talk about." She took my arm and dragged me inside. I'm glad that even after all these years, we haven't lost our friendship.

"Okay, so this is Richard. Mum's new husband. Richard, this is Elodie. She's my childhood bestfriend." Phoebe introduced me to her step father.

"Hello, Elodie. It's nice to finally meet you. Fi, here won't stop talking about you." He smiled and pulled me in for a hug as well. These people are huggers.

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