Corpse Party Hetalia ● Chapter 7: Death is Fast...

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>After for a terrible happening with belgium and the others,

Group 6 had found chinaka but havent found lyra and the others during that time,

They found chinaka at the hallway, running and screaming, her face was like an uncontrolled emotion.

>Prussia had seen her and so where the others, stunned and surprised. Then Karea Shouted, when chinaka had got near.


*blocks from chinaka and is infront of her*





Im tired of this, i thought everyone is going to calm down a bit and now its not because of this stupid haunted house thing! I mean what the fudge man there is no monsters or something and it goes all to your mind.


I was supposed to say that ive saw a Ghost!


Who cares its just same as always, blah blah blah, ghosts kills everyone so yeah done.


I think you should get a star my friend.


I dont need a star, i just wanted to be friends with others because im always bored at the HOUSE!


Yea so true dude!

>Notice how america got with the others too? Usually, america would also go to find hongkong and the others and experience jumpscares. So yeah America was also found by group 6 that america was lost and keep on saying hello.


>while at the hallway...


Helloo.. HELLOOOO! Is anyone here or is this place just give me the creeps.

>Prussia was beside america while standing between the two paths at the hallways.


*tilts head and looks at america* Pick a way america.


*screams* *falls down*

***end of flashback*

>so yeah there you go, america was scared if there is jumpscares {OF COURSE PEOPLE WILL BE SCARED WHEN JUMPSCARES LIKE THOSE OTHER HORROR GAMES WHIH SCARE YOU THE MOST WILL MAKE YOU JUMP OUT LIKE YOUR IN A SONIC BOOM xD i cant blame on that its alright.} And thats how america found the others...

>when chinaka saw them chatting she was shivering, as when she looked behind them that swemelia was there, standing while holding her pair of scissors. Smiling, and when she starts to run behind them Chinaka was now the alarming clock.


Guys! Look at the back!

Group 6 and america:

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