"Babe, I'm Sorry."

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  • Dedicated to Emilie

"Babe, I'm sorry." Harry said as he began to pat you on the back. You began to sob. "Babe, the dates are set. I'm sorry, I can't back out." Harry continued. He was sitting on your bed as he pulled you onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around you and began to rock back in forth. You sobbed into his arms feeling hopeless. Even harder, you began to cry as you laid your head to his chest listening to his heart beating, "No, Harry! I won't let you go on Tour." You rapidly threw his arms off of you and stood up. Harry could tell you were hurt, he didn't want you to take it like this. "How long?" You shouted thorough your tears. "Ummm..." Harry hesitated. "Uhhh, a year." He closed his eyes tightly as he stood up. "Harry, I love you." You yelled. Harry came in for another embrace to console you. You dodged him. "Harry, you can't leave me for that long. Babe, I can't take this any longer. You wont be home in time!" You cried even harder. "Time for what?" Harry looked at you crying, he began to fall apart. "Emilie Charlotte Ridley, I love you with all of my heart." Tears filled his eyes, "I don't want to leave you." He raised up his left hand, "6 months ago I made a promise to you. A promise that meant I would never leave your side. I will do everything in my power to..." You cut him off, "Harry, I'm pregnant." 

Harry froze... "Pre-pre-preg... " he sat down. You Softly crack a smile though you tears. "Yeah, babe. We are pregnant." You sat down next to him putting your hand on his thigh. Harry suddenly turned and pressed his lips against your. He slowly moved his hand up from his side to you stomach. You could feel your tears run down your cheek. He finally broke free letting out a breath for air. You stared into his green eyes, they were filling with tears. "Hoo-ow do we tell the others?" Harry was still in shock. "Lets go to eat, like just for the occasion of the tour. Tell them we are having a good luck dinner." You replied trying to gain your composer. "Babe, the tour. They have to let me..." You stopped him, "I'll be fine, babe." You kissed him once more patting his leg as you stood up. You smiled and then it hit you, "Oh good god." You cried as you ran for the toilet.

Harry followed after you. You slammed the door in his face And locked it. "Babe, it's ok. Let me in." Harry called though the door. "Ahhh... I can't.... No, babe... Go away!" You breathed harder feeling weak. Your voice echoed from the toilet bowl. You could hear the lock being picked. "No Harry." The door swung open. You gagged and turned your head straight into the toilet. (Not going into detail) Harry rush to your side. He tied your hair into a bun and he rubbed your back. You sat on the ground hunched over the toilet, Harry was now sitting behind you straddling you. He laid his cheek on your shoulder, "It's okay, Em. I'm here for you. I want to help no matter how gross or embarrassing." He mumble in you ear. Harry helped cleaned you up.

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