Flash Backs

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Walking out of that room I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.

"Its my fault" I mumbled to myself. Words getting louded and louder.

"Y/N Its not your fault" a soothing voice reassured me. Calmed me for a min.

"Newt shes gone." I responded. "Lilly's gone and it's my fault. She's gone and I'll never see her again. I'll never hear her annoying voice again. Or the way shed make fun or Aris's nose." Aris smiled a bit. So did some of the group "But all that's gone. And it ain't coming back." I added on. The smiles faded.

Newt wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but sob. She's really gone.


Y/Ns eyes grew dark. Like the happiness, innocence left. I didn't know whether it had something to do with the fact of Lilly or that she's not immune. Who knows when she's past gone?

In the corner of my eye I could see Treasa. She was giving Y/N a dirty look. Maybe it has something to do with what happened why Y/N left in the first place. Y/N noticed but chose to ignore it. Maybe she's not fully gone yet.


Great. She's back. Something tells me this time she's staying unless.... she goes full crank. And someone puts a bullet through her head. But how did she know that I was working with WCKD. Ugh whatever I'll find a way to get rid of her. Somehow.


We found ourselves stuck in an underground tunnel. Me and minho were about to spread out to look for supplies when all of a sudden a door opened at the end of a hall. A figure stood arms crossed.

"Um hey." Minho said.


After inviting them into what ever you could call this I took them to see Jorge.


Newt and I broke the hug but I noticed that treasa was giving me dirty looks. But newt calmed me down. Just then a girl walked in. She looked fimilar. Like I knew her from somewhere. I just don't remember where. She took us deeper into the building. Everyone was staring at us. Watching us. She said she was taking us to Jorge. That name sounded so fimilar. We walked in and he started to talk. "Do you ever get the feeling the who- Y/N!" He yelled. The girls eyes shot towards me. "Y/N!!" She screamed. I stopped for a minute Trying to rack my brain for anything. Anything about them but nothing. "She doesn't remember." Jorge said. "Brenda she doesn't remember." I gulped a wave of guilt washed over me. Brenda walked towards me. "We went to school together? I stayed at your house almost every night. You were my best friend." Still Nothing. "I-i- I'm sor-sorry.." I mumbled. "Jorge sighed "don't be." I could feel myself getting mad. Wicked took who we were. Wicked changed us. Took us away and replaced us. I had a life. Friends. Maybe if they hadn't taken me away I'd still be alive and with Brenda.


I could tell Y/N was getting stressed so I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. She smiled at me. That's when I noticed her hand. Dark veins had covered them. It looked terrifying.

Jorge took us to beds. Told us to get some sleep. So we did.


I don't understand how he's able to just calm me down. When he held my hand I think I almost died. My heart is still beating. "Maybe you have feelings?" No this isnt some cringe love story. Plus I'm going to die in a few weeks. A bunch of thoughts were spinning round my head. And I kept seeing things in the dark. I closed my eyes wanting it to end. Cradling my knees and rocking myself back and forth wanting it to end. "MAKE IT END!!" I screamed. Then i fell asleep.

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