E’Dawn-Probably something considered weird like lesbian foot fetish porn or sploshing
Hui-Vanilla, straight to the sex porn-no weird storylines or bizarra kinks. He just needs audio to get off to. Doesn’t care what genders
Yuto-Hardcore hetero porn, with lots of ropes, leads, hooks, dugeons etc
Wooseok-Porn where the people have an age gap, particularly lesbian or hetero
Yanan-Twink porn-it’s usually softer and more realistic. (Lesbian also)
Yeo One-Similar to Yuto, but a little less rough
Shinwon-Messy Porn, with multiple people-here must be at least one girl
Kino-Gay porn, with one bear and one twink, or sometimes two bears. He also enjoys threesomes with two bears and one twink
Hongseok-Would rather go to a strip club that watch porn, but like POV porn and camgirls that don’t interact.
Jinho-Rough porn, with no BDSM. Likes roleplay. Prefers hetero, but any is fine, so long as it’s just two people