We is awaken my dudes

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      Iida: Hello everyone! I have created this chat for studying and class work reasons. Use this chat for school reasons only. That is all.

Kaminari: good luck with that my dude I'm just gonna send memes all day

Mina: same bro

Kaminari: bro

Mina: bro

Kirishima: what the hell are you two doing

Mina: your a hoe Kaminari

Kaminari: why bro

Mina: just don't talk to.me

Mineta: anyone wanna see nudes ;)

Deku: what are nudes?

Todoroki: oh no


Todoroki: much better

Katsuki: mineta is a man thot

Todoroki: tru dat

Kaminari: did todoroki just meme

Mina: sister shook

Toru: sister is shook oh no

Mina: I'm shook be scared

Deku: I am

Todoroki: must protect

Momo: Guys it is 3:47 am. Why are you awake?

Jirou: life.

Kaminari: fortnite

Tokoyami: depression

Deku: you guys keep making my phone go of

Momo: ..................oh that is depressing. Are you guys ok?

Jirou: no

Tokoyami: no

Momo: Do you two need some help?

Jirou: ......................yes but no

Tokoyami: same I'm to busy being emo to get help

Iida: I give up with you all

Sato: jirou and tokoyami do you want me to bring you some cake?

Mina: I mean can you get meh some cake instead I'm hungry as flip

Kaminari: same

Sato: ok I'll leave it in front of your doors

Deku: I give up on being innocent

Deku: I wanna see some tits

Todoroki: oh no

Mina: oh no

Momo: oh no 

Jirou: I have literally no tits to see so I mean

Kaminari: we already know that jirou. Your flat as hell

Toru: wow

Koda: I thought it was normally jirou picking on Kaminari not the other way around

Mina: I'm scared and shook at the same time


Deku: no

Todoroki: no

Momo: bakugo face it there loud

Kaminari: guys I peed my pants and now my legs and pants are wet but I'm comfy so I don't wanna move

Jirou: what the actual hell

Momo: I don't even know

Jirou: does it look like I do?

Momo: no

Jirou: exactly

Sero: Kaminari fell asleep in the fucking bath tub with 3 bags of goldfish and a rubber duck

Mina: lemme join

Sero: ok

Mina: yay

~END ME~(Bnha groupchat)Where stories live. Discover now