Chapter One

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 Chap. 1    

I run towards the phone booth; my hands in my pockets, frantically searching for change. I reach the little house and I open the door like a madman, make that madwoman, and close it so fast that the glass walls threaten to crack. I punch in the numbers that are burnt into my brain; my brother’s mobile number. You may ask me why it’s my brothers and not one of my parents and every time I will answer with the same answer, it’s complicated. I am going to have to trust you a heck of a lot more it even begin to reveal some of our secrets; and it’s extremely hard to gain my trust. I wait for 4 rings of the phone before Liam’s scruffy voice finally answers “Hello?”

“Liam, it’s me. I need you to pick me up in that dark alley next to Ben’s Tavern. Can you do that, like ASAP?” I ask. Ok, I kind of ordered but still, if you were in my situation you would do the same.

“Mika, what the hell did you get yourself into this time?” He sighed but I could hear him getting ready to leave.

“I’ll tell you in the car, but you need to hurry.”

“Be there in 2 minutes.” I don’t even bother to say bye before I hang up and race out of the glass cube. I swiftly do a 360 turn before racing towards the dark alley next to Ben’s Tavern. I am just arriving when Liam’s car headlights appear. I swear under my breath before leaping, literally, into his car through his window.

“Drive, drive, drive, drive!” I chant while doing up my seatbelt. He slams on the accelerator and I am pushed back into the seat. We drive for 2 minutes before appearing to be in the clear.

“Now,” Liam looks and me sternly, “what have you done?”

“Why would you assume that I did anything wrong?” I ask as innocently as possible. He raises his eyebrow, looking at my directly in the eyes.

“Because no innocent person would ring up their brother at 3am and jump in their car from the window and scream at them to drive.” I sigh and put my head in my hands. I can see the fain scars running down my arm from the last ‘happenings’.

“I may have set fire to a building...” I mutter.


“It was an accident, I didn’t mean to.” I could nearly feel the anger radiating off Liam. He took a deep breath and cracked his neck.

“I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”His eyes widened, “there were no witness’s right?” Knowing what he was talking about I shook my head and rested on the door of the car. “Good.” We drove in an awkward silence until we reached the front of his – my - house.

I guess I owe you an explanation about – everything. Liam and I aren’t all human. We look human, feel human things and all but we are so very different. You see, our parents were sick, nasty and cruel to us. They experimented on us as infants – even before. They were renowned scientists whose work was showed all round the world. They could never settle for what they had and they had to go further. This may have been a good quality until my father came up with a brutal idea of creating ‘super’ people. Yes, we have powers. Liam and I have a different set of powers, Liam has the ability to create electricity, to fly, to become invisible and to inflict emotions on people. I, on the other hand, have to ability to create fire –hence the building on fire-, to attract metal and to read and send thoughts. We both have increased speed, strength, senses and reflexes and by the time I was 6 I could easily beat a grown man at an arm wrestle. Now I am 14 and I have learnt to hate my powers with all of my genetically modified heart.

Oh, and our parents abandoned us when I was 8 and my brother was 10. Instead of going to an orphanage or anything, we just lived by ourselves in hiding. No school or adults telling us want to do. Apart from Liam, but even though I am 2 years younger – I still usually call the shots. I stumble out of the car, probably looking drunk to passer-by’s. Now that my adrenaline is leaving my body the pain on my side is starting again. I pull up my shirt, which is covered in debris, to see that most of my side is burnt to a crisp. Bits are bleeding and overall it looks disgusting. This will probably take a week to heal over which is a long time in my opinion. We also heal unnaturally fast which is one of the only good things about being modified. Also, we never need help opening up a new bottle of soft drink or jar of pickles.

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