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Yuri's POV

Huh!!! What's wrong with you!!!Are you crazy!!! I said putting my shoes to the proper place

Yes....You totally are a crazy person..,Mom said out of nowhere

Mom~!! You almost ki-I didn't finish my sentence because mom cut it

I didn't...And why are you covered in mud?!? Mom said pointing at my clothes that is covered in mud

Uhh....I- I was just...um..Ah~ ..I mean A bus .... past by and splash some mud,I lied and got nervous to what will mom say

Ok...Go!! Clean yourself , Mom said while going to the kitchen to cook dinner

O.....K.??? I said and made it to the bathroom to wash..

Ahh!!!!Your.....So......Crazy!!!!! Aish!!! ,I said hitting my head with my hand

Knock..Knock...Yuri!!!Are you done?!? I have to tell you something! Mom sade knocking on the door

I opened and said....

I'm done and what is it?!?

Aish!This girl......Go change first , Mom commanded


I hurried to my room and change into my white t-shirt with a jumper to make it look chic Haha Joke ▪

I ran down stairs and went straight to the kitchen to find mom but she was not there ,since my mouth is dry to shout i called her on the phone but she didn't answer

AISH!!!this mom, I said as i texted her a message.

Seconds past and i didn't recieve any message from her.I got worried and scared so I went back to my room..

Buzz....Buzz...my phone rang so I take a look to see who left me a message.To my suprise it was mom!so i read the message...

Hey! You are wondering why I am not at the house,right?

Its because your father called me to go to his office right now ,Sorry if I made you worry but please do all this because we had a very special visitor ,Thank you

1.Make some food for the special visitor

2.Clean the house

3.Make yourself pretty and neat

4.Set all the food on the table

5.Do all this
         Thank You

Yahh!! I have to do this all,Mom!! I said putting my cellphone to my stupid drawer

Hmm....Who is the special visitor? I thought as I laid my body on my bed

I quickly stand up and went to the kitchen to prepare for our "visitor"

▶Fast Forward◀

No.5 check!

Huh! at last I am done! I said as I sat on the sofa

DING..DONG...The bell rang.I quickly stand up thinking maybe it was the "visitor" so i took a glance of myself at the mirror...

Done! I said to myself

Finally I ran at the door and opened it.To my suprise it was my childhood friends...

Hey! Kkabyul! Taeyeon said giving me a big hug,

Yul! I miss you! Tiffany said giving me her warm eyesmile

Uh....T-Taeyeon..y-your...uh..Im...out...of air.!!..I said tapping her sholder

Uh...Sorry Yul!! She said letting go

So what brings you here? I asked

Were your visitors Yul!!


Yeah,Your mom told us to stay on your house at the end of the school year! Isn't it great! We are now studying together on the same school!! They said which made me jump a little

Really! wow! I nodded

Ahh....Yul..Can we go in? Im hungry!! Tiffany said

Sure!! I said and let them in.....

To Be ConTinued✴

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