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Taeyong pov

I slowly open my eyes, trying to get used to the brightness of the room.

I try to sit but with my stomach pain I just couldn't.

I suddenly take conscience that I'm not on the room's ground anymore.

I look around me and see what I guess is the school's infirmary.

Who took me here?

A lot of questions were passing by me head right now.

I feel my eyes watering as I remember what happened in the classroom before.

« Ah you're awake!
How are you feeling? »
A tall boy asks me.

« I'm a bit in pain but I'll be okay, thanks for asking. »

I'm pretty sure he's not the school's nurse. He looks foreigner and around my age.

« I know what you are thinking about. No, I'm not the nurse, I'm the new student, the nurse told me to stay here and look after you as he had important business to deal with right now.
My name is Johnny,
nice to meet you. »

He has a warm smile. I'm surprised at myself right now, i strangely feel comfortable with him, he looks so benevolent and nice, I don't feel in danger around him.

« I'm Taeyong, nice to meet you too. »

I try to smile but my cheek is hurting really bad, I guess that I have a massive bruise on it.

Johnny seems to notice my pain and rush to me, giving me the pain killer than the nurse left for me.

I quickly thank him and take the pills, hoping it'll be enough to make the pain fade away a little bit.

« Who took me here? »
I ask, hoping he'll have the answers I look for.

« A teacher found you unconscious, laying on the ground and he took you here. Who made this to you Taeyong? »
He asks me sweetly, visibly trying to be the more comforting as he can.

I really want to tell him, but I can't.

Jaehyun will kills me if I talk to anyone.

So, I just keep myself quiet, putting my head down and letting my tears fall. I'm not capable to hold them anymore.

Johnny runs to take me in his arms. I put my head on his shoulder, smelling his vanilla smell.

I don't know how much time we stayed like that, me in his arms, but it felt so comforting and safe. I felt protect for the first time in a while.

But every good moment has an end. And the school bell is the end of ours.

« I need to go in class. Do you feel capable to go or do you want to rest a little more ? » he asks worried.

« I'm going to rest a little bit more, thank you Johnny. »

« Don't you really want to tell me who did this to you? »

I take a deep breath, try to look the more than I can.

« I'm sorry Johnny, I can't. not now. Not here

He gives me a sad smile, probably giving up on me, like all the others.

And he left.

And now I'm here, thinking about how can i escape jaehyun's bullying.

But deep inside, I know that I just cannot.

I want to die.



i'm late today i'm sorry,
i will have a surgery tomorrow and i didn't have time to upload the chapter sooner. sorry gays

next chapter next sunday, please look forward to it!

- 𝔃𝓪𝓬𝓴

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 - 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now