Chapter 4

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I decided to go to the headmistress and confesses about the fire. I also asked Mrs Short to give a letter i wrote to Blake apologizing, confessing, and telling him feelings about everything. I was told the Honour Court would decide if I was guilt or not and would decide if I was to get expelled.

Whilst I waited for the Honour Court to decided if I would be expelled. I was walking the halls and found a photograph of my Mum and the soft team and with her friends in her room. I decided to sit down with the photograph. When Blake found me crying. After Blake and I had a heart to heart, we were somewhat lovers again. At the Honour Court, I told my style of events whilst my room-mates realised. I was out with Blake when the email was sent and that I forgot to log off. Jasmine stated Haylee was the only one around. The girls then went to the Honour Court, they got the whole school to confess they were present when the fire took place. Haylee then got frustrated and let slip about my lighter being used to start the fire. Which only Blake and I knew about, once Haylee was questioned about it she accidentally confessed to restarting the fire after I successfully put it out. I was proven innocent. Then all that was left is where Haylee had the chance to explain herself but was found guilty and was expelled. I remained a student at Abbey Mount Girls Catholic School. I hugged the girls then told them once we got too our room that I would need to speak to them.

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