The Marriage and Baby Project One-Shot Contest

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Rosie's POV

I quickly curled the last strand of my red hair as I heard something hit my window. I unplugged my curler and slowly walked to my window. Is it a robber or some sort of creeper? Something hit my window again. I slowly opened my window and looked around for what was making the noise.

"Hey Rosie!!" A familiar voice shouted from below. I looked down and a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Louis!! What are you doing?" I shouted asked. He shrugged.

"I figured I could do it Romeo and Juliet style," Louis said. I started laughing.

"Louis you do know that I can't climb out of the window or anything right?"

"Oh yeah," he said scratching the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just wait there. I'll be down soon," he nodded and I closed the window. I looked at myself in the mirror(Outfit on the side but I don't think it shows up so click the External Link) and smoothed out my skirt. I grabbed my purse that had my phone and house keys in it. I made my way downstairs and opened the door.

"I'm going now. I'll back whenever!" I yelled at nobody in particular. I quickly shut the door and ran to Louis. "Louis!!" I gave him a hug and felt him lift me from the ground and spin me. "Louis put me down," I said laughing.

"Nope never gonna happen," he said.

"Louis!!" I yelled as he threw me over his shoulder and started walking to his car.

"Rosie!!" he yelled back.

"Put me down!!" I said pounding his back.

"Never!!" I laughed.

"Please Lou?" I asked in my most sincere voice ever.

"Hmm let me think..." he tapped his index finger against his chin and tilted his head to the side. "Hmmm... no."

"Poo your mean," I pouted and he started laughing. We got to his car and he put me down and opened the car door for me."Thank you Lou."

"No problem m' lady," he bowed and closed the door. I giggled at him. He got inside the car and started driving.

"Where we gonna go for our date Lou?" I asked him. He looked over at me for a second before turning back to the road.

"It's a surprise."

"Please tell me," I said while poking his arm. Wow he really does work out.

"No and quit poking me," he said trying to swat my hand away.

"Pleeaassee," I did the puppy dog face at him. He looked over at me and bit his lip.

"No not gonna tell you."

"Poo," I pouted. I turned on the radio and Taylor Swift's song 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together' was on. I smiled and started singing along.

"I remember when we broke up the first time

Sayin this it I've had enough, 'cause like

We haven't seen each other in a month

When you said you need space. What?

Then you come around again and say

Baby I missed you and I swear I'm gonna change

Trust me, remember how it lasted for a day

I say, I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you"

By this time we were both singing along with the radio. By the time the song ended we were laughing our heads off.

"Here put this on," he handed me a blindfold. I grabbed the blindfold and put it on slowly.

"Why do I have to put this on?" I asked.

"So it can be a surprise duhh... Come on Rosie think!!" I giggle and felt the car stop. I heard him get out of the car and open my door. "Here let me see your hand." I did as I was told and put my hand out. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. "Okay now just follow me okay?"

"Yes sir." he chuckled and lead me to our surprise location. "Where are you taking me Lou?" I asked.

"You'll see soon enough," he responded.

"How do I know your not gonna lead me toward a cliff or leave me stranded in the middle of the woods?"

"Do you not trust me?" he asked pretending to be offended.

"Eh," I said.

"Fine then maybe I should just push you off this cliff then..."

"NO!!I screamed grabbing his hand. He started laughing his head off.

"I'm just kidding Rosie," he said in between laughs.

"Well your mean," I said.

"Come on we're almost there," he started dragging me along and after a few short minutes of walking he stopped. "Okay take off your blindfold." I took it off and gasped at the site in front off me. "Do you like it?" he asked biting his lip.

"Do I like it? I love it!!!" I turned to him and gave him a huge hug. "I always wanted to go on a hot air balloon!!" I said smiling at him.

"Then lets go on then," he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the Hot air balloon. Soon we were off the ground and was sailing through the clouds.

"Wow this is amazing!! Everybody looks ants!!" I said in awe.

"Your amazing," Louis said. I blushed.

"Thanks," I said still blushing. I looked into his ocean blue orbs. How could I have hated him.

"Hey look down." Louis said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Its a surprise." I looked down and gasped. On the ground spelled out in colorful balloons read "Rosie Will You Be My Girlfriend?"

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Louis asked nervously after a few seconds of silence. I turned around to face him.

"of course I will!!!" I yelled. He had a look of relief on his face. I giggled.

"yes!!!" he yelled. he grabbed me in a hug. Our faces were only a few inches apart when we broke away from the hug. I looked into his Blue eyes. I can get lost forever in his eyes. His eyes flickered to my lips. We started leaning in and suddenly I felt his lips on mine. You know when they say that when you kiss they one you love you feel fireworks? Well now I feel Nuclear bombs go off inside me. Our lips moved in perfect sync with each other but all to soon he pulled away. He rested his forehead against mine. "I love you Rosie."

I smiled before replying. "I love you too Louis." He smiled.

"I got you something." he said breaking away from our embrace.

"Really?" I said. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"But I wanted too." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long narrow box. He handed me the box. " Here open it." I opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace. On the end of the chain was a sparkly camera(On The Cover).

"Wow Thanks Lou," I said quietly.

"Here let me put it on." he took the necklace out and I turned around so he can put it on. I felt the cold metal on my skin and I looked down to look at the beautiful necklace. I turned around and hugged him.

"Thanks Lou this is the best date ever," I said into his chest.

"This is the best date ever."

Louis' POV

Best date ever.


Hey this is my contest entry!!!!!! Hope you guys like it!!! I worked really hard for this and this took me awhile. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!!

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