Prank Calls: They Can Change Your Life

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Kids, I'm going to tell you an incredible story, the story of how I met your father.Twenty-five years ago, before I was Mom, I had this whole other life…


"That's what makes you beautiful!...There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the band that's taking the world by storm, One Direction, with their new and first single, What Makes You Beautiful! Keep on listening, directioners, because in twenty short minutes, One Direction themselves will be on 103.7 KISS FM LIVE and taking your questions! Hang in there, we'll be right back..."

"Oh my gosh, mom, pleaseeee just let me sit in the car until they finish?? Pleaseee pretty pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?" I begged my mother, knowing fully well what the answer would be...

"No, honey, we already sat outside their house for three minutes just so you could listen to their song! You're being rude. Go on, you're going to have fun! Don't forget to thank Kallie's mom for me!" She pushed me lightly out of the car, backed out of the driveway, and drove away. I watched the car get further and further, and then I finally turned and looked up at the house. Oh boy, I thought. Here goes nothing. 

Oh my gosh, so sorry, you probably have no idea what I'm going on about, or who I even am for that matter! Well, here ya go.

My name is Elizabeth Winging, I am 17 years old, and I Irish Dance. I'm actually pretty good, but I don't want to brag. My ceili team, which has been together for five years, is going to Ireland in a couple weeks to participate in the Irish Dance World Championships. It's a HUGE deal, and we are all extremely excited! In fact, some of us were so excited that we decided it would be fun to have a little 'team party', which is exactly why I'm here. We are having a team sleepover...We'll see how this goes.

Sigh. Maybe this won't be so bad, I try to convince myself. It'll be a good chance to bond with the girls. It'll be fun, a girls night. You do need a good girls night. No boys, no family, no drama. Perfect. I kept saying that over and over in my head as I trudged up the front stoop and raised my hand to knock on the door. But before I could even begin to knock, the door was flung open "Well, we were WONDERING if you were going to come in, or if you were just going to stand there all night! Gosh, Lizzie, c'mon! Get ready to partayyy!" My best friend, at least from dance, pulled me by the arm and dragged me downstairs, to where the other six girls were sitting on the couches. As Kallie raced down the stairs, me completely tripping behind her (You'd think that since I'm a dancer I'd be more coordinated, but nope, I'm EXTREMELY clumsy. :/ ) She called out "She's HEREEEEEEE" Causing a chorus of "Lizzie!" "Yay, lets get this party started!" and "Liz Liz Liz Liz" to begin from the group of girls slung over the couches. There was Nadine, an asian dancer who was honstly so gorgeous. She had longggg jet black hair, and was petite, so she was often called cute :) but don't call her that to her face! She's got an extremely sassy personality. Then there's Gwen, the ginger :) we call her Ginge (sounds like binge) and she just goes with it. Those two, along with Kallie, are my best friends, but the other four girls, Jess, Cece, Tamara, and Eleanor, are all my friends too. We're just not as close. Oh yes, and Kallie! Well, Kallie...Kallie's pretty much indescribable. She has this childlike way of acting that makes her seem I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's true! She's also the most beautiful of us, in fact, she even did some modeling in her younger years, but she got kicked out of too many shoots for "Being too happy and energetic ALL the TIME." But she wasn't disppointed. Anyway, now that you've 'met' my friends, let's get back to the sleepover...

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