Chapter 1: The Call

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'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG NO WAY! You have GOT to be kidding me! Oh my gosh, that is just too perfect! HAHAHAHA" I could'nt stop cracking up at the story Nadine had just told us. Apparently her father's cell phone number, if you put 1-800 at the front of it, called a prostitute company! Oohh boy, that was a hoot and a half! So anyway, it was getting close to one, and we weren't getting tired AT ALL, so we had started to call people from each others phones. You know, so they wouldn't have your number, and we could prank call them. We had called a couple people telling them that their order of 500 condoms was ready to be delivered, LOL, and we even convinced someone she had ordered them! I had to admit, I was having a lot of fun. We were dancing aroud, eating pizza and playing One Direction, along with other songs, in the background. It was pretty awesome. Until, that is, Kallie pointed out the fact that I hadn't prank called anybody yet. "HEYYY...Lizzie hasn't had a chance to call anyone yet, guys! It's her turn!" She exclaimed, much to, my disappointment. I had hoped they wouldn't notice...

"No, really, that's okay guys, I'm good, really. Really!" I protested, trying to wriggle out of Kallie's and Gwen's arms, pulling me closer to the phones on the table.

"Lizzieeee c'mon, it'll be fun!" Gwen tried to convince me, pulling me closer.

"Liz Liz Liz Liz" The girls chanted, until finally, not wanting to be a party pooper, i agreed.

"Fiiiinnneeee" I dragged it out. "But I'm doing this my way! I'm not going to talk to some random person about condoms! That's just strange..."

"Are you calling us strange?!" Nadine pouted from the other end of the couch.

"Maybeee..." I teased, knowing she and the rest of the girls knew I was joking.

"Alright, somone give her a number to call! Eleanor, have you got anyone good?" Kallie asked.

I was nervous about what she meant by 'good'...

Eleanor leaned over and whispered in Kallie's ear, showing her what I assumed was a number on her phone. Kallie giggled quietly "Perfect!" She exclaimed, and Eleanor recited the number for me to call. I typed it into my phone, and pressed the 'call' button. I watched the other girls looking at me while i held it up to my ear, listening to it ring...ring...ring..."No one's answering, El, here, give me anoth" "Hello?" I was interrupted by a voice. A MALE voice. Ohhh. so THAT'S why the girls were giggling. None of them had called boys, but of course they give me one. Oh gosh, he was still there! I forgot "Um, hello...can I ask who this is?"

"Uh, sorry, but didn't you call me?" The beautiful voice flowed out from the pho-what. Did I just say his voice was beautiful? Oh gosh, not again, not again! You don't even KNOW him, I scolded myself. What the fuck are you doing?!

"Um, hello?" Oh darn, I forgot he was still there!

"Oh, sorry about that, wrong number. Uh, yeah, like I said, sorry. bye!" I rushed into the phone, ending the call, and throwing it onto the ground, where I continued to stare at it in silence until Kallie spoke up "Soo...What was that, hon?" I looked up, and noticed all the girls staring at me, smirking.

"Oh...nothing. I'm just...not good at...prank calls. You know." I stammered out, hoping they wouldn't see through my obvious lie...

"Mmhmm..." Kallie glanced at me with a knowing look in her eyes, along with Nadine and Gwen, and I knew we would be having a 'talk' in a little...greattt.

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