Chapter One

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It was around one-thirty in the morning and I couldn't sleep. It had been like this for days since I moved into the new apartment building. I don't know if it was the new surroundings or the constant booming from the music coming from next door that rattled the walls so slightly.

It wasn't that I didn't want people to have a good time, but was the music really necessary? Even at just eighteen I knew it was rude to keep others awake with loud noises so why didn't they?

I laid on my side staring at the wall, and then following the thin line of light across my ceiling that carried into my room from the moon, I was on my back looking up. My eyes were heavy but I couldn't sleep. I had thought about going over there and asking them to turn down the music, but would that make me look like a loser?

Sleeping on the couch was an option because the music didn't carry as loud in there, but why should I have to sleep uncomfortably just so they could have a good time?

I tapped my phone letting it light up the dark room. Two o'clock. I had now been laying for over an hour listening to the obnoxious noise, but then, through the music I picked up another noise. It sounded like a rattling of some kind, the same noise I hear every time I go to open my door and you have to wiggle it slightly for it to open.

I got out of bed and pulled my bedroom door open fully, which afterwards seemed like a bad idea. This person could have been standing in my apartment and I would have exposed myself to them, but thankfully that wasn't the case. I stuck my head out peaking down the tiny bit of foyer I had towards the door. I could see the knob moving. It looked like this person was having a bit of a struggle getting in, which was good for me.

I darted towards the hallway closet and flung the door open grabbing the baseball bat from the corner. It was given to me by my younger brother as a way to remember him when I moved out, which was silly because I only lived thirty minutes away and knew we would still see each other a lot, but it was a sweet gesture nonetheless and I took it with me with gratitude. Not once though, did I ever expect to have to use it, especially on an intruder.

I gripped the bat tightly in my hands, so tightly that my palms were becoming sweaty, though that could have been from the built up nerves, also. I stood close to the front door waiting for whoever it was to open it, even if I was scared I was ready to take this person on.

I had no idea what was taking them so long to open the door. Honestly I was about ready to just help them out and open it myself, but I didn't want them to see that as an invitation, so I waited.

Then about fifteen seconds later the door swung open hitting against the wall. I lifted the bat ready to defend myself, but his hands flew into the air in his own defense. "Woah," he yelled, then his hands fell to his sides and he looked at me, his head cocked to the side just slightly. "Who are you?" he questioned. He had a thick accent.

"Who am I?" My eyes widened at his question. "Who are you?"

"I'm Alex," he said.

"Well, Alex, I don't know how things work where you're from, but here we don't allow breaking into other people's homes."

He laughed. "I'm from London, and I wasn't breaking in," - he paused- "okay well maybe I was a little bit, but I was meaning to break into my friend's as a joke, not yours." When I didn't reply he motioned towards my hands. "Can you put the bat down."

"I don't know, can I?" I eyed him.

He laughed again. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I could only assume the friend you're looking for is next door." I told him, listening to the music.

"Oh yeah? What makes you think that?"

I shrugged. "Just a wild guess."

"What's your name?" He asked as he leaned against the door frame.


"You seem a bit on edge. Is it the music that's annoying you, Emma?"

"Among other things," I said bluntly.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Emma. Goodnight," he said

"Mhm, goodnight."

He stood for a second longer looking at me with a smile, yet his eyes were set on me as if he were studying me. Then he pushed himself away from the door and walked over to the next apartment.

I peaked out. I watched as he knocked on the door and waited. He turned towards me his lips turned giving the tiniest glimpse of a smile before the door opened and he walked inside.

I slammed my door shut and tossed the bat back into the closet. "He knocks on their door," I mumbled to myself blowing my breath.

I went back into my room and got into bed. I laid there expecting the music to keep me up all night, but suddenly the sound quieted to almost nothing.

---- Comment below what you think! Originally this was to be a short story ending here, but I'm thinking about turning it into more. Let me know what you think!

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