Chapter Five - Part Two

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It was nearing ten o'clock when Jax and I had teamed up and played some of his friends, Jenny and Todd, in pool, us winning two out of three games. We were pretty proud of ourselves. "I'm so glad I had you as a partner," Jax said as he smiled counting the cash in his hands. "20 for me and 20 for you," he said handing over the cash to me.

"We make a pretty good team if I say so myself," I told him sliding the cash into the back pocket of my jeans.

"I'm going to go get a beer. Do you want anything?"

"No thank you," I told him, to which he nodded and walked off.

Not long after he was gone his friends went back to playing pool leaving me off to the side alone as I watched. His friends were just as great as him and really easy to get along with.

I was sitting on one of the stools with my back to the counter that ran along the large windows and my elbows propped up on it. Then a random guy sat down beside me. "Hello," I said trying to be friendly.

He winked. "Hey."

I turned my head not wanting to give him anymore of my time after that, but then his hand landed on my thigh. "What's your name?" he asked, to which I replied, "not interested" while pushing his hand off of me.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be like that," he said as his hand returned to the same spot this time rubbing my leg.

"Get your hand off of me." I shoved him away again, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Don't you want to have some fun?" he asked, the smell of alcohol was lingering from his lips stronger than ever.

Before I had the chance to push him away for what would be the last time I would put up with him he was grabbed and threw to the floor. I jumped to my feet in a panic. The guy stood up yelling "what the hell, man," before receiving a punch to the face knocking him back down.

"Alex," I screamed trying to grab him off the guy. "What are you doing? Stop!"

Jax had returned when the commotion started and he ripped Alex off of the guy holding him back. Alex's stare was hard and cold focused on him lying on the ground. "Emma, why don't you go home," Jax told me.

I stared at the guy on the floor then up to Alex who still had his attention focused on the ground. "Okay," I told Jax and then left as quick as I could.

Back at my apartment I paced the floor waiting to wear the living room hardwood down to nothing. I was trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. I had never seen Alex like that before, not that I had known him long, but still, he didn't seem like the type of guy who would do that.

I mean, it was nice that he stood up for me, I'll give him that, but he didn't have to beat some guy up to do it. He could have handled it differently.

I wanted to know what was going on. Alex wasn't answering his phone and neither was Jax. The radio silence was becoming too much to handle. Then I heard voices outside. Hoping it was Camille and Chance I threw my door open, causing them to jump then stand frightened. "What the hell, Emma."

I said nothing while grabbing them both by the arm and yanking them into my apartment. "What's going on?" Chance asked while I slammed my door shut.

"Emma, you look full on panicked. Tell us what's going on," Camille said as they both followed me into the kitchen.

I turned around facing them. "Alex just beat up some guy at the bar and grille."

Their eyes widened. I didn't know if they just didn't know what to say or what but I explained the situation to them.

Camille's face formed into some puppy love look. "Aw, he stood up for you. That's so sweet."

"He beat up some guy, Camille!" I began pacing, again. "And now he won't answer his phone and neither will Jax."

"Wait, my brother was there?"

"Yeah, I was hanging out with him playing pool with him and his friends." I waved my hand. "That doesn't matter."

Chance sat down on the couch. " I'm sure everything is fine."

Camille sat down beside him. "Yeah, he's probably just off somewhere cooling down."

Just then my phone rang. I quickly slid it out of my back pocket. "It's a random number," I told them and then answered. "Hello?" I listened to the voice on the phone, my eyes widening, and then I heard Alex say, "Hey, Emma."


"Yeah, um, I could really use some help."

"What's going on, Alex."

"I'm in jail."


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