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The shrill sound of a bell sounds throughout Professor Manoban's lecture hall and students immediately start to pack up their belongings.

"Oh fuck, that's the bell, alright, um, read chapters 14 & 15 and tomorrow we'll come back and discuss!"

"Bye Professor Manoban." one of her students waves before walking out the door.

"Bye, see you tomorrow!"

She skims over her schedule for the rest of the day, seeing that she has a meeting at 12, and another class at 2, but for now, she's on her lunch break.

Walking across the hall to the next lecture hall, she opens the door quietly, and tiptoes to a stool behind the teacher's desk where she listens attentively to the speaker for the next half-hour.

When the bell finally rings, Professor Manoban makes her way up to the podium where Professor Park is standing.  Both professors teach in the communications department, and often collaborate on projects, however the two have developed a friendship over the past few years.

"Why hello Lisa, how can I help you?  I basically just gave you a free class on a subject that you already know." Professor Park asks with a smile.

"I have half an hour left on my lunch break and know that you have a free hour right about now.  So I was wondering if you'd join me for lunch."

"Sure, let me just clean up here and I'll be right out."

"Great." Lisa smiles brightly and walks out of the room.

In the back rows of the lecture hall, two students talk quietly amongst themselves watching the two teachers interact.

"I don't see it, I really don't."

"Just look at them!  They're perfect for each other.  Every Thursday Professor Manoban comes in 30 minutes before we're excused, sits through a lecture on a subject she already teaches, and then they disappear together.  Speaking of which, we need to get out of here before Professor Park leaves."

"Gowon, I just don't see what you do.  Maybe if you cared more about your grades than the lives of our teachers, you wouldn't be failing." Olivia says pointedly as she stuffs two spiral notebooks into her bag.

"They're gonna get married and I know it.  Just watch."

The pair descend the rows of seats and wave goodbye to their professor before walking out into the hallway, passing Professor Manoban who's waiting outside the door of the lecture hall.

"Come with me." Gowon says quietly as she pulls Olivia around a corner.

"Why are we hiding behind a wall, I need to get to my next class!" Olivia whispers through clenched teeth.

"Oh relax, you can get to your class a little late at least once in your life, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

Gowon holds her index finger up to her mouth when she hears the footsteps of the two professors start to echo down the hall, and watches with wide eyes and ears as they walk past.

"I really think that if we implement that into the curriculum it could be beneficial to the students, but-"

Professor Park is cut off as she and Professor Manoban walk out of the building together, talking about nothing but school.

"How's that for ya matchmaker?" Olivia smirks.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to class."  She pushes past Gowon and heads for the exit, leaving the smaller girl to pout before running after her.

"Olivia wait!  We have our next class together!  I'll walk with you!"


The two professors sit across from each other in the campus cafe like they always do every Thursday, the only day that their lunch breaks line up.

Just Friends ; ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now