La Pucelle (The Crimson Saint)

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Heavens, the sky; they tell of the God's glory

Shining bright gold; they both proclaim His handiwork

Speeches poured forth from Crepuscular rays during the warmth of days

Under the sun

While wisdom drowns plights through the night

Before the moon returns dawn

A fire ignites in my heart

Continuously burning like stars

Reminding me of the flames and ash

But soon new buds will bloom

This ring of white flowers

I watch all their sins scorched by the crimson embers

Petals caught in a dance of inferno

Even my wings can't last in their divine rapture

Let despair bring hope

This is where I meet my fate's end

My destiny now runs its ephemeral course

My life's dream has reached its conclusion now

Utilizing all I have left

Protect his path

My Lord, accept my essential sacrifice

O' Lord, I entrust this body to you—

La Pucelle

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