Up & Under the Tree

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While you sit underneath the wooden branches with the growing leaf's, have you noticed a scurry in the grass beneath your feet?

A Hoppling is rushing to escape your gaze

A tiny buzz with faint murmurs above your shoulders?

Fairies are making sure your okay

The tiniest of touch along your thigh?

The Drok wanted to say hello

A knock and pop of the branches above your human skull?

The dragon got fairly close

Have you heard the gust of wind speak to you, saying,  "Appreciation, Appreciation to the land."

Probably not.

Maybe the Flawkie dropping tiny flowers over your head? Waiting to see a smile upon your face

Have you smelt the strong sting of grass fill your nostrils?

Perhaps it was from a human, perhaps it was from the Bog eating their dinner

Have you seen the tail of the KitKopp whip around while digging a hole for protection?

Those holes aren't just made by moles and gophers.

While climbing the tree, have you felt something sticky with a polished look?

You've accidentally squished the Lingopops' berries, with only the sap remaining.

While you are up & under the tree, watch around. You might find something, or someone you've never thought existed.

They watch you, and protect you along with their home. Don't be afraid if you see something out of the ordinary, for this is natural to them and others around you.

The tree holds many secrets to humans. Find them before others do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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