Part One: Meeting Josh

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I cannot believe I'm here, I've been waiting for this day since I was little, I thought to myself. Ever since I was young I liked to fantasize how my university experience would be, I guess I will start finding out now. Fortunately, I already prepared my room over the summer, I was just picking out my outfits for my orientation week. I already had in mind what I wanted to wear and how I wanted to wear it. I was truly excited yet so nervous to start this new chapter. In fact the excitement was too much, as I took my blouse off the dresser I accidentally ripped out one of the buttons, apparently, it had attached itself to the other shirt and I hadn't noticed.

"Dammit," I said and stared at the blouse for a quick second waiting for an idea to come. I didn't have my small sewing kit, I didn't want to glue it because who the hell glues on a button. I decided to go buy a sewing kit, for some reason I felt that this wouldn't be the first time this would be happening. I grabbed my essentials and headed out. Just as I was about to gown down the stairs I heard someone say "hey"

I stop and turn around where I saw one of my neighbors, I'm not sure I have met this one.

"hey," I said back "I'm Joshua from apt. 201 nice to meet you" he said, I had to be honest, the guys here are so handsome, how is a girl supposed to concentrate here. "Hi Joshua, I'm Cleo from 202 I just moved with Jada, my cousin" "Well it's nice to have you here, I wanted to give you a heads up we are throwing a party today down in the garage so if you want to pass by you are more than welcome" he said, "Oh well I'll think about it, thank you for letting me know" I said and after that I was interrupted by one of my loud neighbors "HEY JOSH COME HERE YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS" he waved me goodbye and left. I made my way to my car and thought about if I was going to go to the party.

Well, I'm not a big party person. Also, I don't really know these dudes, plus Jada is not here otherwise I would go with her. I decided not to go, I went to the pharmacy and bought a small sewing kit, along with some ice cream and treats since I decided I was going to have a movie night by myself. I get to the apartment at 10 pm almost and I could hear the music from my car.

"Oh good God, what is this?" I said out loud, I thought this would have been a small party with just the people from the building, it's fairly small so there aren't a lot of people living here. In order to get to the stairs, I had to pass the garage. I thought that nobody would recognize me well since I've only been here a small amount of time, but I was wrong.

"HEY CLEO" I heard Joshua yell out. I noticed he had a drink on one hand and he was waving at me with the other. Anyways a bunch of people turned my way but quickly went back to their conversations as soon as they saw me. I waved hello to Joshua and he made the hand gestures of "come here". I hesitated since I had two pipes of ice cream in my bags and a great movie waiting for me upstairs, but I didn't want to be rude so I headed over there.

"Glad you made it Cleo, oh wait why do you have ice cream? You do know five bucks for alcohol are just fine" he said, and I don't know if he is joking or being serious. "I'm joking hahaha, c'mon let's put those in the freezer before they melt and you waste your money," he said and we headed upstairs revealing his apartment door open with a whole bunch of other people. "there are a lot of people here" I said trying to make conversation. "Yeah well when uni kids hear there's free alcohol they go crazy" he said "Oh well yeah, I guess," I said and probably sounded like such a prude. "You aren't much of a party girl are you?" We made it to my apartment and he joined me, for some reason. "well no, I'm not like against it but I do not like big crowds"I said as I put my ice cream on the freezer.

"That's good, most girls here are party animals, I don't mind them, in fact, they make this a whole lot better but its nice to see a normal girl out here." he said "That sounded a bit rude, but I truly meant it as a compliment, its like refreshing seeing someone so different from everyone else" he made himself clear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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