Fourtty oNe

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"Hi Jungkook."

The sunlight hit Jimin's face at a perfect angle, making his fair skin glow, his soft eyes brighter, automatically Jungkook's eyes were drawn to Jimin's beautiful pink lips. He felt drunk at the sight of Jimin up close , forgetting everyone and anything else, the way he fiddled with his fingers as he looked back at Jungkook made Jungkook's heart flutter.

"It's been a long time." was all he could manage to choke out in reply. He couldn't quite bring himself to look at Jimin in the eyes. God damn it, why was he being so weird? Come on Jungkook, snap out of it, you haven't seen Jimin in two years, now's not the time to act like an idiot. He looked up painfully slowly and then finally met eyes with Jimin, who was still staring at him and hadn't stopped. His eyes were traveling over his face and then down the length of his body making Jungkook blush like a fool. Jimin's bright eyes seemed to linger on Jungkooks lips as he ran his eyes over his face eagerly almost. Jungkook swallowed down a gulp, becoming increasingly confused on what was passing between them.

  He couldn't dare to let himself hope..hope that maybe things could work? Maybe things didn't have to be broken between them, maybe they could create a new bridge, one that allowed them to cross over and throw themselves into each other's arms and never leave. Jungkook let himself get lost in the abyss of what could be, picturing long walks on the beach, hand and hand the salty air filling their lungs and the fresh spray of water spraying their faces lightly.

  Jimin would laugh at something Jungkook had said, making his cute eyes scrunch up the way they always did, making Jungkook smile and wrap an arm around Jimin's small shoulders, pulling him close enough to smell the top of his soft auburn hair.

This was all a dream of his, one that almost seemed plausible from the way Jimin was looking at him. Jungkook could feel his eyes starting to glisten, he really missed Jimin, he was on the verge of losing it spending the nights alone when Tae couldn't be there, crying himself to sleep, the only thing that helped eased the pain was the thought of Jimin's small fingers in his, his laugh bouncing off the walls of their apartment.

  It was taking all of his will to not run to Jimin right now, to apologize over and over, to not say all the things he had longed to say every single day they had been apart, but he didn't, he couldn't, he would probably only make things worse, much worse, Yoongi would probably kick his ass if he so much as laid a finger on Jimin.

"It has been awhile." Was Jimin's reply, which, it might have been Jungkook's imagination, but it was laced with emotion, deep emotion. Jimin's eyes seemed to have a hidden meaning written in them as Jungkook stared at him. One thing was for sure, Jimin had felt something too. It couldn't have just been him. Could it?

Just to let you guys know I was feeling super soft while writing this, I was listening to a Bts chill playlist, low key made me cry lol🥺😂💜

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